Fear, then Failure

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Unresolved fear leads to anxiety

Anxiety leads to failure

It plays out this way every time

And each time I fall for the allure

Someone slightly important once said

"You miss one-hundred percent of the shots you don't take"

He means if you don't try, you fail

But they're just words

Not good for much except social media bios

A motto, is nothing without context

Without desire to succeed, a goal

Is nothing but a means to a god complex

There's a reason lyrics are paired with instrumental tracks

Melodies can reach inside and pluck the heartstrings of the soul

While words alone can do nothing

Letters squished together like cliques in high school

In an attempt to seem important

Pretentious douchebags.

But they're just words

With no power to move

Unless you, dear reader, let them

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2015 ⏰

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