Final Countdown

21 3 31

Bryce's PoV

I'll get through it with you, though! With all of you!" Naomi exclaims as she turns to me with a smile.

Well, around one week later, that sentence of hers aged like milk. "Oh, man, oh, man! I'M FREAKING OUT!" I press my lips against hers to calm her down. Of course, that works.

"Calm down. I'm at your side, remember?" Says the guy who's anxious as well. Naomi nods. "Right... I'm gonna take a shower. Maybe I'll relax then." "You do that..." I breathe a sigh as I lie down on my bed, my phone in my hand.

Mikey's and Bryce's chat

M: Hey bro u looking forward to tomorrow?

B: ig

B: naomi doesn't really tho

M: She nervous?

B: big time

B: low key anxious here too

M: Nah you'll both do great! All of us!

M: Besides look at the bright side

B: what u mean

M: You'll never see the other assholes ever again lmaoo

B: u right

B: thx man

M: np

Naomi's PoV

I put on some random music as per always when I shower. I have to confess, even though Bryce attempted to comfort me, my anxiety doesn't really subside. That was until Hall Of Fame by The Script comes on.

Just by listening to the first verse, I feel the courage once again. I feel like I can do this. For him. For the band. For my family. For myself. Screw the others!

Bryce's PoV

I smile as I hear Naomi sing in the shower. This time, her singing is more forceful than delicate. "And here's why I love you..." I chuckle.

The next day

"Well, here we are. That's the last time we'll ever practice in this room." Mikey mumbles. "Well, nothing lasts forever, eh?" "Mi amor, my sister is definitely rubbing off on you..." Andrea giggles.

After our last school practice, the principal comes in. "I thought that you'd be here. You're on in half an hour. Take a trip around the school grounds or something..." The rest of us pack up their instruments and head out.

As I'm the last to head out, Mr. Reeds turns to me. "Oh, Bryce?" I look back at him. "Remember me for centuries." A low chuckle escapes my lips as he says that. "Yeah, we'll see about that..." I retort.

Naomi's PoV

Around 25 minutes later, all of us go backstage. "Damn, the old man really went all out, huh?" I smile as the others start to fawn over the decorations. My phone suddenly vibrates, after which I look at it. A message from Hikari.

Hikari's and Naomi's chat

H: the big day huh?

N: Yup lol

H: now what about that graduation concert?


H: that one day you practiced in the garage, remember?

N: Riiight

H: plus you've been nervous for some time

N: True lmao

H: anyway mom and I are on our way to cheer you on!


H: welp too late we're on our way!

Naomi's PoV

Great, just great! As if it isn't bad enough that the others are there, now my family is gonna be there too?! No, Naomi, take a deep breath... They love you. Your bandmates love you. Bryce loves you. Fuck the others. You can be the greatest, you can be the best.

Bryce's PoV

Just one more minute left... "Hey, how're you doing?" Naomi looks at me with an energetic smile. "Better than ever!" I smile back at her. "Perfect. We'll do great, you'll see..." And our graduation concert starts in three,

As soon as we get on stage, I notice the disdainful stares from most of the crowd. Then, I hear some of them mutter to themselves... This...

"Let me ask every single one of you: Do you feel good, knowing that you judge other people without knowing them? You look at people, see how they act and immediately make your own judgement! But have you ever thought of what the inner picture depicts?!" Where does this need to shout my thoughts out come from...?

"Yes, I was a loner! Yes, I was an asshole! I was a deadbeat with no one at my side except for two people! I admit, I wanted to be somewhere I felt like I belong, even if it was the absolute rock bottom of society!"

I turn to Naomi and continue to express my thoughts. "You had no reason to stay at my side! You simply did not have to change me, and yet you felt the need to do so! And, you know what?! I'm so thankful for you!" We exchange a smile before I turn to the crowd.

"The point is: You don't have to hit rock bottom. And even if you do, some people in your life are willing to change that! Even though it's clearly too late for some people..." I look down at Selena in the crowd.

I pant heavily after I voice my thoughts. Someone starts clapping: Hikari. Then, Yuki claps as well. Soon, the entire crowd (save for some assholes) starts clapping. Ronnie and I exchange a quick smile, as I signal him to count us down.

After the concert, Naomi's PoV

We sit around backstage as we try to process what just went down. "Well... That just happened, alright." "Damn straight. Bryce, I really had goosebumps at your speech!" He chuckles at Andrea's compliment. "Oh, it was nothing..."

Meanwhile, Ronnie starts shedding tears. "Stop bawling, punk!" Mikey says with a smile. "You're crying too!" Ronnie retorts. "M-My eyes are sweating!"

I don't get why they're all emotional. It's not like we're not gonna hang out with each other anymore. I only wonder if I made Hikari and Mom proud...

Speaking of which, my big sister runs towards me and wraps her arms around me. "...Was I good?" I simply manage to ask her. She laughs shortly, her tears of joy and pride falling on top of my head. "Good? You were amazing!"

Bryce's PoV

Yuki comes over to me with a warm smile. "You kids were amazing!" I return the smile. "How about you tell that to your daughter first?" We both look over to both of the Kaminari sisters still hugging each other. "I couldn't interrupt that..." "Understandable," I chuckle.

"And, how do you think life will go on?" I shrug as Yuki asks that. "I think that I'll get a job first to get some extra cash." "And to pay for the wedding preparations, right?" I smile softly. "Right, right..."

Yuki lays a hand on my shoulder. "Hey. I'll still allow you to marry my daughter. She's a precious treasure to me and I'll gladly let you be a part of that treasure." I nod understandingly. "Thanks. Wouldn't want it any other way."

And soon enough, we have our graduation certificates in our hands. What followed was a night full of celebrations, alcohol (mostly on Yuki's behalf), joy and love (wink wink).


Alright, that's the end of the graduation arc... *slaps himself* NO FROSTA YOU PROMISED YOURSELF YOU WOULDN'T CRY!

Also, some of you might be asking yourself: Why didn't Naomi faint in this chapter? Well, it's due to her maturing and letting go of the past. No, it's not a cliché reason I just thought of. That's canon. Totally. No discussions.

Oh, starting from now on, this book is gonna get more serious and less joke-y. Even though a few jokes may be included... Writing the last chapter will ruin me again I can feel it

Anyway, ciao!

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