Chapter 1: Long Cold Winter

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"Tom! Tommy! Tooooooom!" Eric wandered around the back of the venue between the parked busses looking for his bandmate and boyfriend Tom Keifer, tapping on all the bus doors and waiting for the drivers to open them.

"Tom in here?"
"Nah son, Tom aint here, check Blackie's bus."

'Oh hell...' Eric thought before he stormed over to the W.A.S.P. bus and knocked on the bus door. Nobody answered for a few minutes, but he kept hearing commotion inside of it. Eric decided to take it upon himself to pry the doors open and step inside. He turned around and closed the doors and then carefully walked further onto the bus. Eric heard something that sounded faintly like kissing, and moaning. He crept further, carefully feeling his way around until he felt a lamp, and he traced his fingers around it until he was able to switch it on. One of the people in the room gasped and looked directly at Eric once the lamp illuminated the bus.

Blackie Lawless sat there nonchalantly with his hands caressing the crotch of the person straddling him, who gasped. Tom stared at Eric wide-eyed and his mouth wide open and completely speechless. Blackie smiled up at the man on top of him and gently pressed his lips to his bare chest, gently placing kissing on it. Tom immediately jumped off and scrambled to gather his clothing and then run to Eric.

"Eric! Eric, um, we need to talk, I can explain, I was just-" Tom mumbled as he tripped over things and dropped some articles of clothing. Eric turned away and stomped through the bus and pushed his way outside into the cold November air. Tom whimpered as he stopped to look back at Blackie, who returned a confused look as he stood up, partially crouched on the bus because he was so tall. Tom whimpered again as he ran out of the bus and chased after Eric who was briskly walking through the back alley with his hands tucked into his pockets.

"Eric! Eric! Wait, let me explain! Please don't be mad!" Tom yelled out at him. Eric stopped and pivoted around on his heels to face Tom.

"Explain? What is there to explain! You were in there... fucking Blackie Lawless! Tom, I thought you were honest! I thought you were mine!" Eric's voice slowly started to crack as he yelled back at him, and then turned to start walking away again until Tom grabbed his shoulder.

"Eric, please, we didn't-" Tom squealed before Eric turned around and connected a solid fist to Tom's jaw. Tom stumbled over and held his face, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Eric, please..." Tom whispered. "Please we didn't do anything..."

Eric sneered at Tom and shook his head. "You know what? You want him? You can have him. Fuck you, and fuck him too! I'm out of this shit! We're over Tom!"

Tom whimpered and dropped onto his knee and grabbed Eric's ankle. "PLEASE ERIC! I don't know what came over me, please understand, I'm so sorry! We didn't do anything, I swear!"

"I can't trust you Tom, get away from me! Get away from me you cocksucking whore!" Eric shook his leg a few times, and then kicked Tom in the face, blood splattering on the ground before watching Tom collapse. Eric groaned and then continued to walk away from Tom, lying in the cold, damp alley. Tom whimpered a few times and whispered Eric's name, and then started sobbing on the concrete while he watched Eric walk out of the alley and out of his sight. Tom's sobbing turned into chilling crying wails as the minutes passed on and the night grew colder.

Eric ran to his own bus, and opened up the doors, the driver was half asleep behind the wheel and he snorted awake as he felt Eric run by him.

"Hey we're leavin in like... a few..." The driver mumbled. Eric was busy sticking his arm under his mattress until he found what he was looking for and discreetly stuck it into his pocket.

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