Chapter 1 (Mark)

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I stared at my reflection in the water of the still pond. My hair was curly and brown, and my eyes and wings were still the same hot pink color they had always been.

I sighed, feeling bored. I hadn't gotten a new assignment for a little while, and even though I wasn't a huge fan of this job, it gets kind of boring if you don't have something to do.

What is my job you may ask? It's kind of hard to explain. Wait, no it isn't. All I do is help people find their soulmates. You may think that all I have to do is say 'Hey! There's your soulmate!' and that's it. But this job is a lot harder than that.

A lot of people can be in denial about who their soulmate is. Maybe it's because they're already with someone else, or they've been told they can't be with their soulmate. There are plenty of factors that can make this job harder. But sometimes, it's easy. Even though it's rare, sometimes all I need to do is get them through a few dates. It's nice when I get jobs like that.

After a little while of staring at myself, I heard a voice calling me. "Hey! Mark!"

Ugh, not her again. I thought to myself. Her name was Amanda and she was kind of annoying. She always acts like we're good friends when we really aren't. I just tolerate her. Another thing about her is that she likes this job way more than I do, and she really shows it.

"How's everything going with you? Have they given you a new assignment yet? If you have, what's it about?" Too many questions, like always. "One, I'm fine. Two, no they haven't, and three, I can't answer that if I don't have an actual assignment." Even though I knew I was going to regret this, I decided to ask her about how she was doing on her most recent assignment. She had just gotten a new one a few days ago, and hadn't immediately told me, which was kind of a first. I guess she must've been busy with this one.

"I guess I haven't told you about this one huh? Anyways, this one involves two roommates who absolutely despise each other. I've tried to explain to him that he's the only one who he could really be soulmates with but he just won't listen! It's getting a bit frustrating that..." I stopped listening to what she was saying.

Enemies to lovers was one of her favorite 'tropes' as humans called it. I've seen a few romance movies myself, as they make us watch them to keep up to date on what humans find attractive. Those movies aren't entirely accurate though, as most people in those movies fall in love with someone else after only meeting them once. People really like to romanticize things like that. Some people are just filled with unnecessary hope.

With actual soulmates, they are always attracted to each other. It can't be one-sided, or else they're not actually soulmates and they need to keep looking.

Just then, the surface of the pond rippled and a deep voice boomed overhead. "Mark." It said, loud enough to be heard from anywhere. Whenever the voice says your name, it means the system has found you a new assignment. You must head over to the temple, where you will receive everything you need.

"Looks like you have a new task!" Amanda said. "Tell me about it when you get back, okay?"

I didn't answer. I just wanted to get this over with.

I headed into the large temple where our assignments are given. Sitting in the biggest chair ever, was the head of the system, Danny. Once every few hundred years, a baby is born with golden wings. They become the head of the system, and they're basically in charge of everything.

Your wings don't grow in until a few years after you're born when you reach the age of 16. Everyone was jealous of him when his wings came in and they were gold. Not enough for everyone to completely hate him, but still.

"Hey, Mark! Here for your next assignment?" He asked. "Yeah, yeah. Just give me it so I can get this done." I just wanted to get out of here.

A scroll appeared in his hand and he handed it to me. "I think you might have fun with this one." He said, winking at me. "Oh I most definitely will." I said, laying on the sarcasm pretty thick.

"Well, see you later." He said as I walked out. I waited until I was out of there to open it. When I did, the first thing I noticed was a photo of a young man who seemed to still be in high school with thick black hair and a slightly larger build. If only I had muscles like that. I thought. His name was Jake lewis. He seemed like a bro dude.

All I needed to do was help him find his soulmate and I would be done with this assignment.

Every scroll also had a status update in it. It tells you what the person is doing so that you don't catch them at a bad time. It read, 'dreaming.' Perfect.

There was a portal we used to go into someone's dreams. The waking world was different from the dream world, so we have different portals for them.

I put the scroll in the stand like I was supposed to, and the portal opened. I wondered what he was dreaming about when Amanda came up to me. "So, what's your assignment about?" She asked. "Just some guy who looks like a jock."

"Wow, you got lucky with that one! I'm going into the human world. We're supposed to talk about what he likes about his supposed 'enemy'. Tell me how your first meeting goes!"

I knew there was no way I was getting out of telling her. So I just waved to her and walked through that portal.

I found myself floating in a sky that was a nice light pink. I found the boy sitting on a beanbag chair on a floating carpet. At least he'll be comfortable while I break the news to him.

I flew down, setting my feet on the large carpet. "Ah, that feels nice." I said out loud. Jake seemed to be spaced out on the beanbag chair. "Hello?" I said to him, waving my hand across his face. He blinks, his brain probably not processing everything right. Then, he realizes what is actually in front of him. He tries to back up, but something is weighing him down.

In the dream world, gravity works differently for humans. They are slowed down, and can't move as much. That makes it easier for us to talk to them.

"Am I dead?" He asked. Most people get us and angels confused. They have white wings signifying their purity, while our hot pink ones signify romance and lust.

"No, you're not dead." I responded to him. "I'm just here to help you find your soulmate."

"Wait, are you Cupid?" He asked. "No, my name is Mark." That was always my favorite response to that question. He asked the two most common questions anyone would ask. I was sure he wasn't going to be much different from anyone else.

"What are you exactly? Some kind of love deity?"

"Yeah, that's kind of what I am."

"What do you mean by 'find your soulmate?'"

I paused, thinking of the answer to that question. "Well, you think of someone who you like romantically, and we see if they are. They have to like you back, and there has to be a true romantic connection between the two of you."

He thought about it for a second. "I think I might know someone."

"Great! Keep thinking about it, and I'll see you tomorrow to talk about this more." I flew upwards, glad that I was finally leaving this dreamscape.

I flew through the portal, glad that my feet were finally on solid ground. Amanda still seemed to be working on her assignment, so I was going to go back to the place I called home. All I wanted to do was sleep.

Nobody actually needs to sleep, but we can if we want to. And right now, I really wanted to.

I went inside my home, walked into my room and flopped down on my bed. I fell asleep instantly, hoping that later I would feel less like... this.

A/N: Hello everybody!

This is a new story I want to share with you guys

I've kinda put the other one on hiatus because I've just lost interest at the moment. I do have chapters ready, I just don't feel like posting them

anyways, I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter

I think I'll start putting in a word count

anyways, see you when I finish the next chapter

word count: 1399 words (I think that's supposed to be a lot)

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