giggling teens.

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after an hour, rory and theo open the curtains just to find dracos drawn.

"bets on then fucking?" aurora asks looking up at the brunette

"20 gallons"

"deal" she made her way towards the bed, picking up her jumper she had previously thrown, putting it on again and placed her hands on the rope to open the curtains

"youll be traumatised" theo said clearly amused

"not any more than i already am" she smirked


rolling her eyes, she pulled the rope and the green sheets revealed the bed and the jet haired boy sat on the blondes lap as they spoke

"not quite what we were expecting but thankful" theo laughed

"oh piss off" draco groaned and leaned back to pick up a pillow and throw it at him (which theo dodged with ease

harry, looking very embarrassed, climbed off dracos lap and sat awkwardly at the other end of the bed.

"how long?"

"did i ask questions when i found out about you and theo?"



"it happened when you two were fucking" harry mumbled

"we werent fucking!" theo shouted across the room

"i dont need to know what you were doing" draco grimaced at the thought of his sister doing anything with anyone. aurora and theo just laughed.

rory sat on theos bed again and pulled a ziplock bag from the drawer in his bedside table along with a grinder and rolling papers.

"saremmo tutti fregati se un insegnante perquisisse la stanza a causa tua, theo" draco grumbled (we would all be screwed if a teacher searched the room because of you, theo (italian))

"told you he speaks italian!" aurora smiled at her boyfriend as he shrugged in response to the blonde haired boy and she began grinding a small bud of weed

"i didnt doubt you, amore" he smiled back at her and took the grinder from her to do it properly as she struggled. he then rolled the joint and lit it with his wand and passed it to her to have the first hit.

draco stood up and opened the window slightly

"you smoke potter?" theo asked, leaning back on his elbows and taking the rolled up plant from his girlfriends hands once she had taken a few puffs.

"i havent before, id be down to trying"

"theo always has really strong weed, maybe not the best for your first time" draco said as he made his way over to the couple on the bed and patted an empty space for him to sit. harry complied happily.

"had to switch dealers, this is pretty weak"

draco just hummed in response as he took a long drag of the joint. nodding in agreement as he exhaled.

"can i?" harry held his hand out for it "how do i do it?"

"oh harry" aurora giggled

"ill share smoke with you, itll be easier and make it less weak. at least for your first hit. just breathe in from my mouth" draco took another puff and handed the blunt to aurora and pulled harry closer to him as he held the smoke in his mouth

harry nodded and cupped dracos face with his tanned hands. draco did the rest of the work. pulling the black haired boy closer and holding their mouths close to one another. not so close that their touching, to harrys dismay.

draco gently blew the smoke into potters mouth and harry closed his eyes as he inhaled from the blondes lips.

he coughed once but was fine apart from that and was quick to ask for another hit.

auroras smile grew as she did tricks with the smoke, doing ghosts before inhaling and creating 'O's in the air

about 10 minutes later the blunt was gone and 4 very giggly teenagers sat on the floor, they had moved to when the ash started falling from the end to prevent burning theos bed more than it already was.

aurora resting her head on theos shoulder and harry laying on the floor feeling on top of the world.

"kiss me"

"excuse me"

"you heard me. kiss me draco"

"fine" draco laughed slightly and leant down to press a small peck to harrys lips

"thank you"

"dont thank me you freak"

"she does it all the time-" theo said gesturing to aurora who seemed to be falling asleep

"maybe its just a bottom thing" harry said closing his eyes

"do i?" aurora mumbled

"yes love, you do"

"either youre crazy or a liar, i dont thank you for little kisses"

just to prove a point, theo forced his girlfriend to lift her head and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips

"tha-" she stopped herself "oh."

the 3 boys bursted into fits of laughed and aurora just pouted.

ive had really bad writers block :(

also my teacher that has been reading this said its really good AND so has my friend tia (HI TIA) and its boosting my ego a bit too much

anyways, small chapter but is what it is

thank you for 8K reads 🫶🏻🫶🏻

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