Modern Day Wonderland

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This is my first book so I hope you’ll like it.

Aries Liddell stepped into the brown drying crusty leaves.

Lying beneath his feet into the open clearing are the tattered evidences of autumn greens. Dusk had fallen, and although the western air was blowing and the woods are getting colder, he didn’t felt the same.

He didn’t feel the cold.

Neither did he mind the dark.

A frigid breeze rattled a few leaves that still clung to the otherwise bare branches, the sound and the cold sending worries through the pits of Aries’ stomach. He looked around him at the eerie shadows casted by the trees of all sorts. The wind picked up, swirling the tumbled leaves around his feet and around the fallen logs.

The sky was uniformly black, the outdoors empty and echoing.

Aries realized how good it was to be outside in the dark. Being always inside made him feel trapped. This was best, free, unfettered- and unseen. His own senses rejoiced at the lush world around him.

The smell of a whole plethora of nocturnal creatures draped in the midair; a fox scavenging trash, brown rats chewing chunks of woods in the bushes, and night moths calling one another with scent.

Everything felt different. In fact, Aries himself, felt different.

The sounds of crickets hiding in the darkness seemed way vulgar than the usual, the steady stream of a not-so-faraway river appeared way louder, and the soothing chirps of mocking birds felt lurid.

His pupils were opened wide, gathering up tiny particles of light that would have been invisible to a human. He could clearly see in the dimness of the night, catching the eye of the animal which is the very reason why Aries fled from the safety of his home and into the dangers of the dark, eerie forest several miles away.

Even through the blinding dark, Aries can make up the graceful stance of a Tundra wolf whose eyes locked up on him.

The wolf is about 7 feet and has a grey colored fur, with mixes of black, rust and silver grey. It has a high body, long legs, broad skull tapering to a narrow muzzle, and a bushy tail coated by a thick, dense under fur.

Aries stood his ground as the wolf hoisted, watching him with its unnerving black eyes.

He didn’t know what to feel. He didn’t even know what to do. Though the animal’s predatory stance is enough to make him squirm and fidget, some unexplainable, invisible force still led him to follow the wolf since the moment he caught its sight back in the backyard of their house.

Changing into a pair of black shorts and keeping his sweatshirt with the hood on, Aries grabbed his wallet on top of his study table beside all the cluttered mess of books, clothes and other stuff. Tonight, he and his friends are going out to get some booze and drink the night away.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2013 ⏰

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