Wilburs First Time At The Casino

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🐥Quackity's POV🐥

   I sat back in my office work chair, exhausted. It was 3 am and the casino had closed at 1 am. I sighed, fiddling with a pencil, bored as ever- well, Until I heard a knock on my window that was on a door that led to my balcony.

   I froze, staring at the window, not able to see who was behind it. I was hesitant to stand, but I soon built up the courage to. Who is knocking on my window at 3 am? I thought to myself as the knocking got louder. I slowly approached the door and opened it, surprised to see who I saw.

   "Wilbur...?" I said, staring at wilbur who wore a long trench coat and a dirty yellow sweater, he also had a white streak in his hair which was new. "Hello, Ducky." He replied, having a smug face.

  "Wilbur, you can't be here, get out. I don't know how you are back from Hell, but please leave me alone." I snarled, staring into his eyes with a cold expression. Or, at least trying to have a cold expression. "Nah, I think I'll hang around a while." He smirked, stepping in beside me, striding into my office like he owned the  place; which he didn't, I owned this place.

   "Wilbur, I won't tell you again." I hissed, putting a hand on the handle of my axe, my wings twitching. Wilbur looked back at me with a different look in his eyes. Was it.... Fear? No, I wish it was but for some reason.... It was a flirtatious look that cut me off.

   "Fucking hell man, why are you looking at me like that?" I said, covering my face. I heard him chuckle and he put a cold hand on my shoulder. "C'mon, Ducky, I know you missed me~" he nagged on. Ok, now he was definitely trying to either make me mad or make me flustered. Either way pissed me off.

  "Wilbur what do you want?" I then asked, sighing. Wilbur stared into my eyes and shrugged. "I just wanted to see you. But, I guess I'll leave for now, goodbye Ducky!" And with that, wilbur waved and jumped off the balcony, dropping to the ground on his feet with a thud and walking off. What. The. Actual. Fuck.

That was the end of the first part! I hope you enjoyed. The next part will be Wilbur's POV.

Words: 421

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