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Johnny couldn't really remember the moment he really fell in love with Kenshi. Never did e even expect to feel such emotions, Kenshi the man who announced he'd broken into Johnny's house for sento and explaining it by telling him about his ancestors.

He knew Kenshi disliked him for a while, but Johnny he'd grown attached. Something inside him enjoyed annoying the other, creating silly arguments as his anger gave Johnny attention.

Kenshi was easy to annoy, in all honesty he probably annoyed Kung lao too as he'd been around the banter. Rolling his eyes and even copying Kenshi putting his flashlight up in Johnny's face.

But it was when he saw Mileena's blade go so far into his eye socket, he'd yell out Kenshi's name as his whole body was filled with dread, worried that his friend dying and he not being able to stop it. Had Kenshi really just risked his life?

For Johnny the annoyingly cocky guy who was so sett on not giving Sento away? He'd been knocked out himself before getting any answers to his worries.

He'd woken up again in a completely different place than earlier, his head hurting so fucking much. Groaning as he turned around, "Kenshi.." he'd mumbled out as he saw the man hunched over.

That's when he understood he'd fallen hard for the man, he didn't want to exist without him.

He'd gently wrapped the cloth around his head and covering his eyes, a hand dropping down to his chin slowly stroking a thumb against the skin whispering that he'll be alright soon, somewhere safe to walk around and not in the moist cell.

They'd gotten out soon later, Kenshi begging to be left there and it absolutely broke Johnny's heart. Johnny ignored the request so did Kung lao who was on the other side helping out to get Kenshi out.

Kenshi rested his hands on top of Johnny's shoulder, and Johnny had hopped that Kenshi couldn't somehow feel or hear how aggressive his heart was beating. He'd look over at Kenshi so many times as they walked, wanting to keep an eye out.

Johnny had also given Sento back, being so awfully greatfull for Kenshi putting his life over his own earning the loss of sight.

It slightly surprised how Kenshi started to reject the sword, but Johnny kept on pushing making Kenshi have it.

It felt way too fast before it was over, he could go back home make the movie he'd been recording his long travel for. 

He's glad for the new friends he'd gotten from it, but he's wondering if Kenshi would even return his feelings.

Johnny stood in his living room having had one drink too much, feeling very tipsy in his big house that felt like it drowned him by how lonely it all felt now.

His wife who'd become an ex wife and his daughter that moved out a couple years ago. 

He'd picked up his phone dialing Kenshi's number "pick uuuppp, please pick up" he mumbled to himself and Kenshi picked up at the second ring.

"Cage? You need anything" Kenshi questioned him

"I miss you" Johnny whined back

"Cage are you drunk?"

"Nuh uh, I'm extremely sober" Johnny horribly lied as his words had a slight slur to them

"Uh huh, you're very sober" Kenshi sarcastically respond earnings and huff from Johnny.

"Can't you come over or something, please" Johnny begged out

"You're lucky I'm still in town, I'll be there in a few" Kenshi hummed out before ending the call.

Johnny threw his phone into the couch, lucky for it not to bounce and hit the floor, he'd drink up what he had in his glass and laid the glass were his small stash stood in the living room.

He walked around as he waited for the other man, hurrying to the front door the second he heard his door bell ring.

"Hey" Kenshi smiled

Johnny responded with giving him a hug and a small "hi"

Johnny moved a hand down to Kenshi's lower back 

And pushes him forwards, leading them into his bedroom.

Kenshi sat down on the bed getting comfortable as Johnny fiddled around to find a movie he could comfortably explain what happened.

Johnny soon let out a small "ah ha!" And put a movie on and moved to sit beside Kenshi on the bed, both under the blanket. Kenshi rested as he listened to Johnny explain what were happening.

Around 2 hours went by movie finally finished.

"Thank you, for coming over I mean" Johnny suddenly said looking over over at the other man.

"Why wouldn't I? You don't need to thank me" Kenshi responded

"I know, but like I really appreciate it. I've slowly figured out that I dislike being alone here, all by myself"

Kenshi moved a hand to lay over were he assumed his blanket coverd blanket were "I'm your Friend Johnny, and friends hang out when feeling alone"

Johnny slightly groaned out "but I don't want that"

Kenshi raised an eyebrow at that "you don't want to be friends?"

"Yeah, I mean no it's just- I don't know" Johnny groaned out

Kenshi got Johnny into taking a few deep breaths to relax and collect his thoughts, instead of fighting out his words.

"I want to be something more, like I've liked you for a while now" Johnny hummed out "like not liking you as a person, but like having feelings for you" letting out a sigh at finally confessing it out.

The silence made Johnny anxious, and whenever that happened he'd just babble out more.

"Like you annoyed me from the start, but I'd slowly appreciate your company. But I started enjoying getting your attention even if it was because you were annoyed" Johnny took another deep breath.

"and when you got attacked I panicked, because like I didn't know if you'd still be alive, and seeing you there hunched in grusome pain it just broke me and, a-" Johnny's ramble got cut as he felt a hand grab his chin closing his mouth with a thumb.

"I like you too idiot" Kenshi huffed out before letting go of the others chin "I can't remember when exactly the feelings appeared but yeah the feelings are mutual"

Johnny then moved, connecting their lips. One small and all the others filled with a starved hunger for each other. Hands roaming places, exploring each other's bodies.

Kenshi pushed a hand against Johnny's chest moving him backwards "let's not rush it" and Johnny hummed out in agreement.

"Stay?" Johnny questioned.

"I'll stay" Kenshi accepted.

They cuddled together into the bed finding comfort in the skin to skin contact, Johnny played with Kenshi's hair for a small moment before spitting out another question "can I take it off? The cloth around your head I mean"

Kenshi took a small moment before responding, seemingly thinking over it, "yeah" he gently allowed.

So Johnny slowly took it off "it's healing well" Johnny commented, "I'm glad" Kenshi hummed out.

And Johnny went back to play around with Kenshi's hair, Kenshi's hand laying over the other man's hip rolling circles with his thumb.

It didn't take too long before they both fell asleep, something about them being so close with each other making them tired, their brain allowing them to rest without a single bad thought.

you fix the loneliness in my home (Johnny cage x Kenshi Takahashi)Where stories live. Discover now