Chapter 10

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Both Luke and Ashton had arrived at club Teeth to let Michael know that Luke wanted some time off. As Luke was going to help Ashton find his mom and the 'truth' about his past. They also had to warn Michael about trusting Sierra as there was something off about her and it was not just the fact that she wanted to kill Zayn for some reason. Luke thought that he had to inform Michael that the murderer had claimed another victim and this time it was the local baker, but he had turned into a vampire and died due to going out in the sun. As they entered the club they saw that Michael was worried about something. "Hi guys." Luke coyly said holding onto Ashton's hand for support. Michael looked up and looked slightly relieved at seeing Luke. He grabbed Luke and embraced him. "Um, care to tell me what that was about?" Luke asked confused. As Ashton also just stood there watching the scene in front of him, play out. "Um, I thought that you were dead! There was another dead body but before Crystal could investigate the crime scene the body was gone. As if it got stolen, again. You know that the same thing happened two nights ago, with Calum's sister. But at least the new coroner could at least declare her dead and Sierra said it looked like the same person that killed Calum. But some vampires have said that they have seen her last night in town, looking lost." Michael explained his actions. Little did he know that Calum was standing on the other side of the door listening in on their conversation. Just then he decided to enter the office. "Oh you came here for a reason I am guessing?" Michael said, quickly trying to change the subject. "Yeah, we came to warn you that you should not trust Sierra and Luke wants a couple of days off to go help me on a personal trip." Ashton insisted. "Ok Luke can have a few days off only if you explain what you mean that Sierra can not be trusted, is she not a detective and trying to solve this whole series of murders?" Michael questioned Ashton. "Yeah she might be doing that, but for some strange reason she wants Zayn dead. And don't even think to ask as to how we know all of this information. Oh by the way the body that went missing was that of the local baker. He turned into a vampire and the sunlight killed him." Ashton said irritated. "Oh so how come you know about all of this? Does that mean that you're the killer? Or that you are stealing the bodies?" Calum insisted looking at Ashton like he could kill him. "Calm down, babe. I am sure both Luke and Ashton have a good explanation for all of this." Michael said quickly as he tried to get Calum to sit in his office chair. "No! I want answers not more questions and being kept in the dark. You guys are keeping secrets from me about my life. And I hate it!" Calum shouted. Luke just looked at Calum and sighed. "We have to tell them what happened last night when we disappeared, Ash." Luke said shyly toward Ashton. "I know but, she threatened us. And you know that she is dangerous." Ashton insisted. "Yeah, but if anyone can help us it is Michael. He practically owns this town and everyone in it. Believe me, I know." Luke insisted. Both Calum and Michael looked at Luke and Ashton confused. "Just spill or else I will have no choice but to get Zayn here again and insist that he can 'take you home', as he would like to do, Ashton." Michael said emphasizing on the 'take you home' part. "I get the point, Michael. No need for empty threats. Simply put we both got kidnapped by Sierra. She was going to torture us and the baker was lying dead in front of us before she got back from where ever she went, he rose up in vampire form. But it was sunny outside and he turned into ash at the door. She didn't really care for the missing baker only about us. And she thought that we were working with Zayn as she saw us at the club together the night that he ambushed me with my uncles. For some weird reason she wants to kill Zayn. And she only let us go because of you and Crystal. She decided that she didn't want to draw suspicion toward herself. But we were warned not to tell anyone that we were kidnapped by her. And we had to make up a story about where Luke was for the past 24 hours." Ashton explained. "Ok, leave the whole situation with me. I will sort things out. You and Luke can go and do the personal thing that you wanted. But Luke must stay in touch with me daily, ok. He is not just my employee but friend and I care for him." Michael warned but smiled while saying this. "Ok, boss. Thanks so much see you in a few days with good news hopefully." Luke let slip. But relising his slip, he quickly put his hand over his mouth and dragged Ashton out the club to Ashton's car. Then they left off on their mission to find Ashton's mom.

Calum's P.O.V

Little did anyone know. I remember one more detail about the day that I got 'killed'. The person who was responsible had red eyes and black hair. That's all I can remember for now. But hopefully my mind will allow me to remember more. I now know that I helped run another club in town, but I can't go there anymore as everyone thinks that I am dead. Well apparently I am sort of dead but in the vampire sort of way. Yes, I have become a vampire. And apparently my boyfriend was one all the time. Who knew? Definitely not me. What I can remember about our life together before all of this was that he loved to take me out for evening dates. Not that I am complaining about it, no. It was wonderful but sometimes I just wanted to go for a walk in the park in the morning when the sun was out. Now that this Ashton guy told us what happened to the local baker, I completely understand why we never got to go out in the sun. Michael and Luke think that I don't know what has happened to my sister, but I heard them talking about her. She must have been 'killed' by the same person as me. They also turned her and she is somewhere confused, walking about town. Hopefully she will come here soon as I can not leave unless Michael does. I am starting to feel like a prisoner. And what does that Ashton guy mean about that Sierra is dangerous? She is a detective. Not some vampire killer, right? Just then one of Michael's men run into the office. "Michael, Calum's sister just walked into the club and she is not human anymore!" he had screamed. I knew it, I just knew it! She is at least not completely gone for good. Although she might be a vampire now, but so am I, so we will have each others back till the end of time. I just don't know if I can trust Michael completely yet, like I could. And what plan is he going to make about this whole Sierra thing. He should be worried about who 'killed' me and my sister, not Sierra. Before I give my heart to him again I will need answers, trust and time, amongst other matters. Just as I was about to go see what happened to my sister. Zayn appeared out of nowhere and was upset because she had turned into a vampire. What was his case? It's not like she is his family or problem or anything? But apparently Ashton's uncles warned Michael months ago about these events and told him that there would be 3 newcomers to town. What did they mean by the newcomers was it maybe one of them? Nah, I don't think so, at least......?

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