Chapter 1

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Emo Marinette is awoken late in the evening by her kwami calling her name. "Nettie! Nettie wake up! It's time for patrol!" She whispered into Ladybug Miraculous holder's ear.

Emo Marine'sbluebell eyes shoot open and she slowlt removes herself from her girlfriend's embrace.

"I'll be back soon Jules, sleep well." She kisses the top of her girlfriend's forehead before turning to face her little kwami friend.

"Tikki, Blots On." She whispered quietly, careful to keep her voice lows as to not wake up her still-sleeping girlfriend.

Once transformed, the black and red spitted heroine's red eyes narrow and she flicks her wrist outwards toward the rooftops.

Shadybug unclasped her black-and-red spotted yo-yo from her hip and tossed it forward. The black string quickly latched onto a random rooftop and propelling her forwards to the next roof.

A few more rooftops later she finally reached the spot she and the other two heroes had agreed to meet on. It was overlooking the Eiffel Tower directly across from there current location.

But upon landing on said rooftop, Shadybug's red eyes narrowed as she caught side of the shadows moving in distance.

"What the hell is going on out here tonight? First I hear howling: and then the shadows are moving?" Shadybug grumbles under her breath and motions for Claw to follow her lead.

"What exactly are we doing Cockroach?" Clawaaked as they ran along the rooftops. "Are you going nuts or something?"

"Shut it you damn fleabag!" She grossed script at him. "Just keep your eyes peeled for any sudden movements."

Claw grumbled under his breath but did as he had been instructed to do. "Okay bug, I'll follow your lead on this one."

But as he scampered off in another direction, his face lit up upon seeing his girlfriend walking down the street. He jumped down and Kagami looked up upon hearing the sound of leather boots hitting concordat.

"Why hello there my Darling!" Claw says as a purr rumbles in the back of his throat. The bobcat bluenette giggles and brings him in for a steamy kiss.


Shadybug is hopping Redon rooftop to rooftop when she sees a flash of white. What the hell is that thing?

Red eyes narrow under her red and black spotted Domingo mask as she pounces stop of the white figure. "Haha! I gotcha!

"Let me go you damn insect!" Shadybug's eyes pop wide open open realizing that what she's seeing a young girl dressed in a wild costume.

She was just about to open her mouth to say something when the figure in the shadows tackles her to the ground. Her violet eyes glinting dangerously in the moonlight.

"Who are you?" Shadybug growls lowly, her bluebell eyes glinting with fury. "And what do you want?"

The wolf-the Ames suerhero narrowed her icy blue eyes and snorted with laughter. "It's none of your concern but I'm Wolfette and she's Cobweb." The spotted superhero turns back to face Cobweb, who still had her pinned down.

"I'm a Bat you stupid fool!" Cobweb growls, her claws gleaming in the silvery light of the moon. "I won't hesitate to to claw your face off you damn Cockroach." The bat the Ames hero hissed lowly into the girl's ear.

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