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Hana's head was pounding.

Her heart was also beating at a thousand miles per second, and she could barely hear over the loud music blasting in her ear.

Her body was light yet stiff as she downed another shot of terribly tasting tequila with a grimace on her face.

She came out to this club to forget. To forget every moment, every whisper, and every semblance of a thing between them.

Maybe that's why she decided it was a great idea to go out by herself without telling anyone. Or maybe it's because she hoped to find someone to dance with, or kiss, or perhaps fall in love with.

Or at least that was the plan until she found herself leaning against the bar, left with the swirling thoughts in her head.

The bartender looked at her with concern in her eyes.

"Do you have someone to pick you up ma'am?"

Do Hana sighed, "Yes, I do."

Hana picked herself up off the bar and grabbed her bag, leaving money behind for the endless amounts of drinks she just had.

She found herself walking to the bathroom to call Ms. Chu or maybe even Motak.

Both of them didn't answer.

Hana sighed as she realized that it was already past 1 am and that they both were probably asleep.

So she rang Jeok-bong in hopes that she could avoid calling him.

But, alas it must have been her lucky day because Jeok-bong didn't answer.

Hana's mouth had dried up as she realized she had only one other option.

She sighed again as she looked at her reflection in the mirror.

She was wearing a black top with a black skirt and combat boots. She did her hair up in a ponytail and was wearing maroon, red lipstick. She went out of her comfort zone tonight in hopes of escaping her wandering thoughts.

Clearly she had failed and all she was left to do was call the one person she had been avoiding for the past week.

So Mun picked up on the first ring.

Of course, he did.

"Noona? Are you alright?" He asked with noticeable concern in his tone.

"Can you come pick me up? I'm at Paradise. I'll be waiting outside." She said in a monotone voice. She then abruptly ended the call before he could respond.

In just 20 minutes, So Mun was parked in front of the club and was looking for Hana.

He saw her leaning against the side of the club, clutching her purse in her hands.

Hana looked up and gave a slight look of recognition before she started stumbling her way to So Mun.

Until she tripped on her own boots and winced as she felt herself falling face first into the ground.

But, all she felt was the warmth of a thick coat and a soft shoulder stopping her fall.

"Noona, you need to be more careful! Are you drunk right now?"

Hana nodded in silence and shrugged So Mun off of her.

She slowly got into the car and shut the door behind her.

So Mun with a confused expression went around and got into the driver's seat.

The car ride was silent. A little too silent.

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