How to make your sex appeal stroger

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'micamiszukii here

Let me help you out knowing and making tour sex appeal stronger and more attractive that can help you maintain your poise.

For Girls:
1. Look at yourself in the morror, see what angle attracts you most and definitely the angle that your friends like when you take photos.
2. After knowing your angle, measure your body or vital stats, it doesn't matter how big or skinny you are.
3. Know what you are wearing, but before that check out some clothes or new styles from google images. Then, find something to wear that can suit your look, I know that others do not want to wear sexy clothes, but you can wear clothes that can help you feel comfortable.
4. NOTE THIS, if you're skin tone is black or brownish do not wear BLACK OR BROWN SHIRT but instead of wearing LIGHT clothes. If you're pale enough or simply natural you can wear black and dark brown, or just wear Dark Colored Clothes.
5. If you have skinny shape figure do not ever wear hanging clothes or half clothes. Wear something fit but not too fit. And obviously do not wear SHORT SHORTS! Pants or Skirt will do. And if you have that coca cola body, that fat body you can also wear fit clothes but not too fit because the result will make you look like a wrapped food or something. You can wear short shorts, hanging clothes, and please do not wear clothes that shows your entire belly.
6. Get rid of make up, simplicity shows cleanliness, you can just use ordinary face powder but not too much and wear pink or light red lipstick.
7. Make sure that you smells good and attractive everyday, boys will actually follow that scent everyday.
8. Learn to approach a person
9. Always give an attractive an sincere smile.
10. Be polite
11. Make a guy laugh, make them happy it's the only thing that they want forever.
12. Make sure that he will make you his inspiration, show them reality of who you are, but ofcourse finish your studies and be more a responsible person.
13. Do not flirt enough, it's the worst thing a guy could know, he might take advantage of you, if he knows that you flirts, Be a HARD TO GET GIRL, you don't want boys to underestimate,dump or take advantages of you right?
14. Learn to understand

1. First of all learn to approach someone you want to know and especially that one you like.
2. Learn to talk nice and go with the flow when talking to someone.
4. Be Polite and responsible
5. Stick to one and do not flirt with other girls
6. Wear appropriate clothes and good smell perfumes that can attract a girl
7. Always check your personal hygiene.
8. Look at yourself at the mirror see if you hve face problems like having a pinple, pores and etc.. then it's your responsibility to change it.
9. Show that you are one of a kind, fix your hair nicely.
10. Always know about the girl's likes and dislikes, learn to give comfort and learn to understand girls feelings, troubles and problems.
11. If you're skinny do not even thing about wearing tight polo or tshirts you'll look like a plastic balloon. And if you're fat or buff and hve ripped body muscles, do not wear too fit shirts and you can use any color, v'neck or polo. But then if you're skinny please do not wear shorts, or maong shorts. Skinny ones can use sleeveless shirts.
12. Do not do something that can make your skin dirty like putting a tattoo.
13. Finish your studies and have a job
14. Have common sense and lower your pride.


xoxo Mica

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2015 ⏰

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