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November 8 was like any other normal day for Cale he would usually just either ignore the fact that it was his birthday or he would either just forget it.

It's not like it was important to him.

'I should give a present to Choi Han later'

Tak. Tak. Tak.

Cale continuously walked in the hallway it was really weird

'where did everyone go?'

Cale was tired so he hadn't thought much of it but it has already been a few hours since he saw any of them

He kept walking until he finally found someone


Alberu hurried over to him pulling someone with him as well

"you came in the perfect time!"

Cale just looked toward the man in front of him not bothering to speak

"Do you... Need something?"

Cale had questioned Alberu

"Actually Eruhaben-nim asked me if I could move some items to the Black Castle so I came her for help"

'Cant he just ask somebody else?'

As if he could read his mind Alberu spoke again

"You guys were the only ones free"

Cale just looked at him

"Cale-nim if you want you could stay here"

Cale looked towards Choi Han

"No... It's fine I'll come"

'it's not like I could reject him'

Choi Han smiled brightly to Cales response

"Follow me then"

Cale and Choi Han followed Alberu towards one of the rooms

"Cale-nim just leave all the heavy items to me!"

Cale just nodded and looked back towards Alberu who had finally stopped

"Choi Han why don't you go and Carry those"


Cale along with Choi Han and Alberu had just arrived in front of one of the room of the Castle

"do we drop them here"

Alberu just nodded at Choi Hans question

"Actually could one of you guys open the door"

Choi Han looked toward Alberu and just nodded

Cale who was standing behind Choi Han waited for Choi Han to open the door

The room was dark when they all entered

"Choi Han could you open the lights"

Choi Han who was just about to go ahead and reach for the switch got blinded by the sudden light

Cale who was also not expecting the light to go on so suddenly covered his eyes

When he removed his hand he could see his family gathered in front of him


Cale and Choi Han both looked stunned by the suprise

Raon who flew to him suddenly shoved a present to him and Choi Han

"Happy birthday!"

Cale who received warmly smiled towards him


The birthday party went on for a long time


Cale who was on the corner of the room looked towards his Hyung


Alberu handed a present to him

"Here you go a gift"

Cale who took the gift slightly smiled

"I was really surprised"

"of course you were after all I was the one who planned it with Ron"


Choi Han who had just interrupted his conversation came towards them

"Cale-nim happy birthday"

"Happy birthday Choi Han"

Choi Han bought out a small gift

"here you go Cale-nim it's my present"

Cale who had just accepted another gift reached for something

"I was planning to give it to you earlier but I didn't have time"

Cale handed a present to Choi Han

Choi Han who hasn't been expecting one happily accepted it

"Happy birthday Choi Han"

'this is going to be a long day'



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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