They're just like us

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Once upon a time, in a small coastal town, there stood a mysterious old hotel. This grand establishment had been nestled near the sea for centuries, its faded elegance and ancient charm attracting curious travelers from far and wide. But beneath its ornate facade lay secrets of unrequited love and haunting whispers.

Intrigued by the tales surrounding the hotel, I decided to embark on a journey of discovery. I was an avid explorer, always seeking out hidden gems and forgotten mysteries. With my backpack slung over my shoulder, I set off towards the old hotel, eager to unravel its enigmatic past.

As I approached the entrance, a gentle sea breeze carried the scent of salt through the air. The grand double doors creaked open, inviting me into the dimly lit lobby. The air was heavy with anticipation, as if the spirits of lost souls still lingered within these hallowed halls.

I made my way up the creaky oak staircase and down a narrow corridor, passing by aging portraits and dusty chandeliers. Each room seemed to whisper tales of lost love, echoing through the empty corridors. The hotel's history pulsed through its weathered walls.

My curiosity led me to the infamous Room 313, said to be the epicenter of the hotel's haunting. Legend had it that a love story had tragically unfolded within those walls. A young couple, deeply in love, had checked into the room many years ago. But fate had cruelly torn them apart, as the young man had lost his life in a tragic accident, leaving his partner heartbroken and inconsolable.

Steeling my nerves, I turned the heavy brass handle and stepped into the dimly lit room. The air felt thick and icy, sending shivers down my spine. As I surveyed the room, I noticed a sense of melancholy engulfing the space. It was as if time had stood still, frozen in an eternal longing for what could have been.

In that moment, a pulsating energy filled the room, and a hazy figure materialized before my eyes. It was the spirit of the young woman, her ethereal form glowing softly in the dim light. Her eyes were filled with sorrow, reflecting years of unrequited love.

Tentatively, I approached her, sensing that she longed to share her story. With each word, her mournful voice echoed through the room, recounting the tale of a love lost too soon. Her spirit wandered, forever searching for her lost love, hoping to find solace and closure.

Moved by her heartbreaking tale, I made a promise to help her find peace, even if it meant facing the unknown. Together, we embarked on a journey through the hotel's hidden rooms and forgotten corners. Through whispers and ghostly visions, we pieced together the story of her lost love.

As the days turned into nights, the bond between us grew stronger. With every discovery, the young woman's spirit seemed to glow brighter, the burden of her unrequited love slowly lifting. Through her clear guidance, we found a collection of forgotten letters, penned by her lost love. The letters spoke of his undying affection, his deep regrets, and his yearning to be reunited with his love, even in the afterlife.

Armed with these letters, we returned to Room 313, where the spirits of the young woman and her lost love stood on the precipice of closure. I read the poignant letters aloud, the words floating in the air, drifting towards the ethereal figure of the woman's lover.

In that moment, a profound peace enveloped the room. The spirits of the young couple stood side by side, their love eternally reunited. With a final gaze filled with gratitude, they faded into the unknown, their souls finally finding solace.

Leaving the haunted hotel near the sea, I carried with me a profound sense of fulfillment. I had witnessed the power of unrequited love, its ability to transcend time and space. From that day forward, I vowed to cherish every opportunity for love, for life is too short to let the flames of affection go unanswered.

Dear readers,
This short flashfic is dedicated to the Aim 2 engage contest hosted here on Wattpad.
This is only one story I did for this contest so far but there will be more coming soon because I will definitely write a few ones to different prompts.
Hope you enjoyed this story:)

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