1. take a break

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I haven't painted anything in a while, so I decided to paint today. But I can't seem to think of anything at all... I continue staring at the empty canvas until I hear a "click".

I looked behind me to see it was them, "I'm home, darling. Oh, what are you doing?"

They look at the empty canvas curiously, "Soooo you're painting something? That's amazing!"

"Amazing.. I doubt it, I haven't touched a thing," I thought to myself.

"Alright, I'll leave you be. I bet your painting will look great!!"

A few hours later, I continued staring at the canvas and barely touching my paint. "I really should paint something but I can't think of anything..."

Suddenly, they plan a sneak attack behind me.

"Hey, you should take a break, wanna play games with me?" they ask me.

I declined, "No I'm good"

"Okay, and also I'll make dinner later!!"

I nodded and went back to spacing out. I really want to make something perfect or meaningful. I just can't think of anything.

15 minutes later, I smelled something delicious. [favorite food]. But I didn't feel that hungry, "I need to make something and complete this by tonight"

From downstairs, they called out to me, "It's dinnertime dear"

I ignored them, I don't know why but I felt really bad for ignoring the sleepyhead.. I only ignore them sometimes.

Caught up in my thoughts, I didn't realize they were right in front of me. "Wake up, wake up"

My sleepy eyes blink, "Huh?"

"I've been calling you for a while. You need to eat something and take a break."

"I'm good!! I just haven't thought of anything"

"But still you need a break, there's no point in staring more at this. When you have an idea, you should paint"

"Ughhh nooooooo I do have an ideaaaa"

"You can paint later when you have inspiration. Let's go eat dinner, come along now"

We went downstairs and I stared at my plate for a few minutes, shocked. "IS THIS REAL!?!?! [favorite food] I THINK IM IN HEAVEN NOW" I shouted loudly.

They snicker, "Of course it's [favorite food]. What else would it be, McDonald's?"

I squealed with joy. "I'm so glad they made this instead of getting takeout," I happily thought to myself.

"So you're not gonna thank me, hm? I will be extremely devastated and cry for hours if you don't"

I chuckled, "I doubt you will do that!! Anyway, I'm actually so glad you cooked this for me"

"Ahem, it wasn't for you. It's just a coincidence that you like [favorite food] as well."

"Nah it's not a coincidence. When we met, you literally started ranting about [favorite food]! I couldn't get a single word in"

"I think that was you" they said, making me the bad guy.

They continue their silly argument and eventually eat their delicious meal. After that, they watch "When Marnie Was There".

[underrated studio ghibli movie]

I started getting sleepy in the middle of the movie, I wanted to watch more but my eyes started to doze off.

"Silly sleepyhead," they sighed. "Let's get you to bed"

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