Chapter 23

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*20 minutes later*

Luke: "Is he okay?"

Doctor:"Yes, he just took a strong blow to the liver and he has a minor concussion, all he needs is rest"

Ethan: "Thank God"

Gale:"H-h-how long d-does he need t-t-to rest f-for?"

Doctor: "About a week, 2 at most"

*Everyone leaves Alex in his room going back to the sparring room*

Tayko is waiting there

Tayko: "You guys ready?"

Ethan, Luke, Nisha: "Yes!"


Tayko: "Oh I brought these 2 cases just incase , this is yours"

Gale: "Oh? T-t-thank you"

Tayko: "If you're ready, open up your cases"

Everyone opens up their case

Chapter 23

Tayko: "Where's that blue eyed kid?"

Ethan breaks down the news

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