Chapter 1: The Moon

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The Moon has always been, and always will be, a very strange object. Its characteristics are difficult to comprehend and its mysterious how this floating object just goes around the Earth, silently, without having much more effect on the Earth as it did when it was first formed. It's weird that even though its size kept getting bigger than it was the first time it was created, this collosal change never brought problems to Earth. Surely, as the size of the moon increases so does the mass. But the waves, they stay the same, and Earth is still stable.

What's more strange is that people seem to not mind the size of the moon. Or that they don't want to mind. Everyone lives their life as if nothing strange were happening but they rarely come out at night. They must think the same.

"Mike... Mike!!" I woke up on the floor with my mom standing next to me.

"Huh... Ow it stings!" I felt a bump on my head and realized just then that I fell off the bed.

"You better hurry up! I've been trying to wake you up for half an hour!" My mom said in a concerned tone.

"Why...? I don't have school till 8 though?" I replied

"Oh that.. your brother's about to eat everything on the table." She said nonchalantly

"WHAT?! AH?!" I get up as quickly as I can and rush over to the dining area only to see my brother with the last piece of chicken.

"YOU WOULDN'T DARE..." I said to him, hoping he'd leave me a piece.

He ate the pancake slowly knowing I could not stop him on time since I was at the side of the room.

"Just. You. Wait." I looked him dead in the eyes. As I slowly approached him. He then continued with a smug in his face.

Just what is he planning?

When I got to him, he smile grew bigger to the point where it was creepy.

"Why are you smiling?" He didn't respond.

His smile grew, and grew, and grew, to the point where the end of his lips touched his eyelids.

"Leo....?" I call him by his name so he knows I'm serious. Surely, this is one of his pranks.

he slowly turned his head with that creepy smile still on his face.

"Wh- what...?" My voice started to shake and my legs trembled before the sight in front of me.

"Play with me" he said as he tilted his head.

Play with me? What does he mean by that?

He walks towards me and tries to grab my hand.

"No! Stay away!" I threw plates at him, hoping it would stop him from moving any further. It didn't work.

"Mom!!! Leo's acting weird" I immediately called for mom as I could not think of anything else other than calling for help.

I hear footsteps down the stairs - fast footsteps. She was rushing down.

"Honey what is it?!" Mom looked concerned.

She looked at Leo and was terrified of the sight she had just seen.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2023 ⏰

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