1: New Recruit

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Ember walked into the Handler's office after being summoned.

"Ah. Ember. There you are." The handler said

"What do you want?" Ember asked, already growing impatient as she was sure to have another mission to prepare for.

"Don't get snippy with me. I have a new recruit. I want you to train them."

Ember was shocked and said "But you never have me train new recruits."

"Yes well you're usually too aggressive but I think that is what this recruit needs." The handler said before handing Ember a file.

"Five Hargreaves?"

"Yes. I thought you two would have some things in common."

Ember opened up the file and read straight from it. "Number five in the Umbrella Academy. Has teleportation and time travel abilities."

"See you have some things in common already."

Already tired of her games Ember said "When do I meet him?"

"I'm going to bring him in tomorrow. He's in an interesting circumstance to say the least."

"You mean in an apocalypse?"

"Yes, I do. I should warn you though. He's a bit troubled."

"So you're making me train him because he's too much for you to handle? That's actually really hilarious."

The handler stood up and walked over to the girl "Ember, you're a goddess. One of the most, if not the most, powerful beings in the entire universe but what was given can be taken away. You know what happens if you don't comply. Understood?"

Of course she did. Her worst nightmare would happen. It was the only reason why she hadn't escaped yet.

Ember walked by to the place she shared with her brother and sister.

"So what did the handler want this time?" Maya asked, sharpening her knives

"She wants me to train a new recruit."

"Really, I thought she learned her lesson after the time you almost killed a bunch of the new recruits." James said

"Well this one has teleportation and time travel abilities so maybe she thinks I can help train to use his powers."

"I would think that's a terrible idea. I mean your abilities allow you to sense disruptions in the time, space continuum. Not only that but you feel its pain. Someone who has a power that disrupts the space time continuum that you have to train is not ideal at all." Maya stated

"Well when has the handler or blaze ever cared about anybody else's well being besides their own?" Ember said

Ember walked into the handler's office the next day, seeing a brunette boy that looked about 18, maybe 19.

"Ember. You're just in time. Ember meet Five. Five, Ember here will train you; she is also your new partner." The handler said

"Hold on. You said nothing about being his partner."

"Well I figured you didn't need to know till now. "

"How is she going to be able to train me?" Five asked

Ember took Five's wrist and twisted it behind his back. She then slammed his head onto the desk.

"I would watch my mouth if I were you."

"That's enough, dear."

Ember then let him go. He glared at her but of course he was no match for Ember's glare of death as most people called it.

"Now that's enough for today." the Handler said, dismissing them

As they walked through the hall, Five stated

"I don't know why she thinks you can be my partner. You probably know nothing about me."

Ember stopped and said "Your name is Five Hargreaves. Also known as Number Five in the Umbrella Academy. You have the ability of teleportation and time travel. You got yourself stuck in the apocalypse. You have 7 siblings all born the same day as you with different abilities. And You're an asshole who thinks they're better than everyone else. Any Questions." then continued on

"Well I don't know anything about you. So who are you? the Handler told me that you had powers. So what are you?"

"On a need to know basis. All you need to know is the world and......... universe is bigger than your mortal brain will ever understand"

"What do you mean?"

"On a need to know basis and you don't need to know."

"You're a mystery. You know that?"

"Who would've thought?" Ember said sarcastically

Ember and Five got to the door of the living quarters.

Once they walked in they saw Maya getting ready for a mission while James was at the table working on something.

"I swear I'm going to burn the handler at the stake." She said

"Ignore her. She just hates the Salem Witch Trials."

"Of course I do. Those Puritans burned any and everything remotely different from them." Maya yelled

James stood up and walked over to the pair.

"You must be Five, the new recruit. I'm James, Ember's brother. And that's Maya, our sister." He said

"Wait so all of you are assassins?"

"Are you kidding me? James can't fight to save his life." Maya said

"Hey!" James said, offended

"James is more brains than brawn. He does the things that help the commision that requires more brain power than most assassins here have. Maya and I are assassins though." Ember explained

"Although Ember is the best of the best."

"We'll see about that." Five said

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