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There was a knock at the door.
"Open! We know you are in there!"
"Who is it?"
"It's General Tori!"
"Open or we'll have to break in!"
"What is he doing her?"
The door sudently opened.
"Mr. and Mrs. Fuma. You are arrested!"
"What?! Why?"
"Oh you know well why! You commited several crimes and you must be punished! Come with us or we'll just have to execute you here and now."
"We don't understand... we didn't do anything wron--"
I was watching from my room. All this time i just stood here in my room. And that bastard General Tori kiled my parents in front of me. They were the only ones I had and the only ones I loved. But did he acused them for crime. They would never do such a thing! Maybe he acused them to cover HIS dirty work. Son of a bitch!
I look at the window. I can't stay here anymore. They'll find me and will try to kill me... And I won't die until... until I take my revenge! I quietly opened the window then I jumped off. I start running as fast as I could. I must get as far away as I can.... maybe I should even go to the South District.
After a while I feel tired. I walk slowly on a small alley betwin two houses. Suddenly, on the principal alley I notice something. A shadow. It looked like a tall man. At his feet was a.... DEAD PERSON! But.... somehow the scene didn't scare me... after what happened tonight... nothing suprises me anymore... I try to get closer to that shadow.
Oh, no! I stepped on a tiny brench! The shadow lifted it's head and two red, glowing eyes stared at me.
"Who are you and what are you doing here?"
"Me? Who are YOU?" I ask.
He suddently jumped, climbed the wall of one of the houses and dissapeared into the night.
'That was... strange...'
Suddently somebody grabbed me and covered my mouth.
"Mmmmph..... mmph..."
"Shhh.... the more you struggle, the more it will hurt."
'What is he talking about?"
Then, I feel a sharp pain in my neck.
A needle? Slowly he let me go. I fall down panting.
"Pant... pant..."
I looked up at him once more before my sight faded away.....

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