Periods Suck👍🩸🩸

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A/N: hello people who read the random shit I write. don't mind this one. it's....weird and I'm sorry. also ik there's grammar and spelling mistakes, I wrote it at like 3am. have fun.

Kai awoke to his girlfriend curled against his chest and slightly shaking. He turned his head to the clock in his bedside table, 3:30am. Skylor was staying the night at the ninjas' because she stayed for dinner. Garmadon also stayed the night. And because the monastery of spinjitxu only had one guest room, (they really needed more), skylor was staying in Kai's room.

 Kai turned his head back to his "sleeping" girlfriend, and put a hand in the back of her head. 

"Sky?", He whispered, "You alright?". 

She just nodded her head and quietly whimpered. 

He pulled away slightly and brought his face to her head. "Hey, what's going on?" Kai asked with worry in his voice. 

"Cramps" Skylor said in a whisper, her obviously being in pain. 

"Oh. Shit. Sorry. Bad ones?" 


He rubbed her back gently, and kissed her head. "You know Nya oncr told me, that some cramps can have the same amount of pain as a heart attack. So, let's say that 10 is those heart attack ones. Between 1 and 10, how much painful is yours right now?" 


"Oh shit. Is there anything I can do?" 

"Advil…please." He only then realized that she was crying, silently, but crying. 

"Uh yeah…one sec." Kai sat up, being gental not to disturb her, and reached over to his bedside table and opened the bottom drawer. Then he took out a small bag and a plastic water bottle. 

Skylor half-sit up and looked at kai to see what's in the bag. Pain was shooting through her entire body, so just moving hurt like hell. 


Kai opened the bag and took out a container of super strong advil. He opened it and took out 2 pills, then gave skylor the bottle water and the 2 pills. 

She took the items from him and swallowed the pills. 

She exhaled a shaky breath and forxed herself to sit up all the way. She gasped quietly as another wave of pain shooted through her body. 

Kai quickly put his arm around her and leaned her against his shoulder. Skylors arms were wrapped around her abdomen, and she exhaled quietly. 

"You okay?" He asked her, giving her a sad smile. He gently squeezes her arm comfortably. 

"I mean, my entire body is in excruciating pain and I feel like I'm being stabbed and tortured a million times a second, and I can barely breathe. Oh and also I practically want to die. Not to mention I feel like fucking shit and I'm currently bleeding out of my vagina. And also the fact that my hormones are all over the place so I'm fucking crying from the horrible pain and just from being alive." She sniffles, trying not to cry from the horrible pain. 

"Mm. I'm sorry, Sky. I wish I could do more." 

"No it's fine. I'm fine. I can deal with this. It's just….really shitty." 

"It sounds shitty." He kisses her head and rubs her back gently. 

"What's this?" Skylor asks, pointing to the small bag on the bed. 

"Ah this. Well, I like to call this the 'My-Girlfriend-Is-On-Her-Period-Kit'. It includes pads, tampons, tissues, hair elastics, other random stuff like that, advil of course, and your favourite chocolates and candies." He gives her his classic grin when he says that. 

She's shocked. No one has ever done this before. Tears are coming back. Her eyes are watering. "Is this…all for me?" She whispers. 

"Yeah. It's all for you." 

Skylor smiles and tears fall down her face again. Is this what love feels like? She must be dreaming right? She doesn't deserve this. She's never been loved before. 

"Hey, hey, hey, don't cry now." Kai says comfortably, hugging her. "It's going to be alright." He kisses the top of her head, and puts the bag and the bottle back in the drawer. 

Still in his arms, he lays himself and Skylor back down on the bed. She hurried her face in his chest and still quietly sobs. "I don't deserve you." 

"No, don't say that. You di deserve me. You're amazing and I love you." 

what? Did she just hear what she thought she heard? 

"What?" She breathes out. 

"I love you, Skylor Chen. I always have. Ever since the first time I layed eyes on you, I have loved you. And do not ever doubt yourself ever again, because you're the most amazing person I have ever met. And you're always helping us save the city and shit. I love you." 

She's stunned. She's dreaming, isn't she? She's getting lost in those beautiful auburn eyes of his. What does loving someone feel like? She doesn't even know what being loved feels like. Her father definetly never showed it to her. 

She moves her head up to his and places their foreheads against each other's. She can feel Kai's hot breath against hers. And he can feel hers against his. 

"I don't know what love feels like. Any kind of love, really. I don't know what being loved feels like or what loving someone feels like. But I'm pretty sure I love you too." She says, tears still going down her cheeks. 

Kai doesn't know what to say. He hates her father so much. 1, for kind of planning to kill them all. And 2, for giving the love of his life so much trauma. Skylors never told him about her childhood but he knows it's pretty shitty. Her words right now hurt him, because she doesn't know what fucking love feels like. How hard is it to show your fucking daughter at least a bit of love? Seriously. 

His other hand goes to cup her cheek, his thumb gently rubs away her tears. "You're pretty sure you love me?" He says with a chuckle. 

She chuckles and smiles, "Yeah I am." 

"Well that's comforting." He says jokingly. 

"Just shut up and kiss me, you idiot." Skylor says as she kisses him passionately. He kisses back, hard. They're both laughing and kissing. Who knows how that can be possible. But they're doing it. 

That night, they both slept peacefully in each others arms, breathing quietly, and dreaming about each other. 

As for Skylor's intense period cramps, those were still there, but the advil helped a little bit. But being in Kai's arms sleeping, made the cramps more bearable. 

And in the morning, they spoke none of this to anyone else. They just acted like nothing had happened. It's just a secret between just the two of them. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2023 ⏰

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