The American Revolution

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Bob Ross's POV

The year is 1775. The 13 Colonies and my country, Great Britain, have decided it's now time to go to war. You may be asking -- Why are we fighting? I don't know! I also can't be bothered to look it up. I'd imagine it's something about the new Americans emancipating themselves, but that's just a semi-educated guess. I'm just a girl!

As I mentioned before, I'm a (fake) proud red coat! I have a wife and kids at home that I am fighting for, and I love them very much (being gay was looked down upon, but if Baron Von Steuben can do it so can I.) I've never told my family about my homosexual tendencies, and I don't plan on it, that shit is scary. I do love them very much, but not in a romantic way!

Anyways back to the story..

Every step I had taken to walk here had only made my anxiety rise. As the seconds had gone on, my trembling could only get worse. Every sound, whether it be another soldier breathing too hard or the crunch of a stick, made my heart pound farther out of my chest. Nearing the battlefield I was about ready to shoot myself, fearing for the terrible death that waited ahead. 

Step after step...

We finally reached our destination: Lexington, Massachusetts. As I stared across the dirt ground, my eyes locked with the General George Washington. His beautiful blueish-gray orbs stared right back. His perfect rosy cheeks complimented his pale complex, making me wonder what else of his was light-toned. His powdered white curly hair looked lovely and soft, as if he wanted me to run my fingers through it. Although he never showed it, everyone knew his natural hair was red. I had so many questions, but one that definitely stuck -- do the carpets match the drapes? 

But then suddenly; the shattering gunshots echoed across the field. All other thoughts I would have had were gone, now replaced by loud ringing in my ears. All within mere seconds.  Men were made to go to war, all men but me. Nothing could have prepared me for what I felt in that moment.


Adrenaline coursed through my veins, making me almost completely unaware of the bullet that had shot through my coat and into my right shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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