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The sensation of fight or flight can be raging. Choke in your throat, the adrenaline in your veins, to stand, fight, rise above this. To get up and continue on this rough path. Or it could be sudden and like a leap in your chest to jump and move. All you have to do is flow with the leaps in your chest, beating away, ready to burst out in any way possible. The fear it's the absolute end is the worst part of it. There's no escape. The voice in your head, screaming for your body to move.

It can't end this way.

You have to fight. It can't be this way! You have so much more to do!

Escape! Get out of here!


It was late in the month when the world changed drastically. No one even expected what was to come. We all thought it would end, the plague that washed over us. We called it a silly pandemic, and the government threw out their safety nets to society to please their minds and drape over the situation at hand. They thought they were doing such a tremendous job. Little did they know that they couldn't hide all the evidence of what was truly going on.

No one ever thought that the world could change from what we proudly know. We've had the black plague and others as such. We prospered beyond most pandemics that our world had hit. Found cures for different types of cancer. Everyone was just living day by day. Tangled into their own lives and enjoying what they can. Some had it better than others, and some had it rough from the choices we make in our lives.

We always joked about apocalypses and made up scenarios about what the world would be like if it all ended one way or another. We just never thought any of those scenarios would be possible to achieve. Or we did, and the government tried to cover it up in the blackest tape that you couldn't see in the dark but most certainly could when brought to light.

It was sudden and out of the blue of us. Before we even knew it. Our whole world had turned upside down.

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