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"Children such as these should be praised for their will to return to thy land."

—Welcome, Dear Readers.

I am Akira Taekyoshi, You can call me Akira. For now, I am unable to use fonts and all the like, though I do not know why.

But I assure you that this story will be of great delight.

—1, Rules.

Please be respectful to your fellow readers and if something is not to your liking, do not hesitate to tell me.

Do not send hate, and do not degrade my work.

If you wish to self-promote, it is perfectly fine. Though as said above,  do not degrade my work while doing so.

No hate comments, No discrimination. I will remove comments that are Racist, Sexist and such.

Don't forget to follow these rules, and if something is just a joke or accident, please don't take it too far.

—2, Disclaimers.

Genshin Impact and Sky : Children of Light belong to their rightful owners.

The concept of Y/N and their personality belongs to Me, but you belong to yourself.

Note that this is my first book on this account, so it may not be all that good.

—3, Side Information.

I do not condone or support Yandere Behaviour, Platonic or Romantic.

This book is made solely for entertainment, and will not be republished, Taken from or more without my permission.

Note that this is Fanfiction, And not real whatsoever.

Do not expect frequent updates, this is just a side account. My main account is @AlchemyAlchemivichhh,  and most of my books are published there.

—Thank You,

For reading this book, And I hope you enjoy the story.

Sincerely, AkiraTaekyoshi.

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