Nimbus City-Draft 1

16 3 43

Hey, squirrels! Long time no see! Love you all!


This is a short story I wrote for school that after a lot of editing, I'm planning on submitting to the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards ( ) to hopefully win something!

Hope you all enjoy! As usual, don't forget to comment your thoughts!!! Love you all!!!

Content Warning

The following Content includes mentions of suicide, Anxiety attacks, scars, romantic actions, and family drama.

The sky was a dark, stormy gray. Thunder boomed in the distance, and rain splattered in puddles on the concrete. Soft giggles echo between the couple, their rain boots splashing in small puddles on the concrete.

Marigold's hair, usually long, flowing and free down to her waist. Was pulled up in a sunny clip. However it was lopsided and falling from the clip from the torrential rainfall. Her floral dress seemed to flow with each step she took. Her giggles were as bright as the rare sunny days in Nimbus city.

Meadow had her hair in soggy, lopping down space buns. Her paint splattered jeans hugged her legs, and her cardigan was tied around her waist. The cotton was sagging down near the ground. Her favorite pencil was stuck in one of her buns, pointed through the bottom.

Meadow and Marigold are as different as they are the same. With Meadow the artist, able to see the colors of the sunset and point each shade. And Marigold the poet treats each word as if it's a painting.

It's this that makes them as beautiful as a rose. Enchanting as a witch casting a spell. Radiant as the fires of a thousand stars. Elegant as a ballerina.

"Melimelum," Meadow says, intertwining Marigold's hand with hers. Their fingers lock perfectly, fitting with each other as though they were Yin and Yang. Two opposites but simultaneously the same. "Are you cold?"

Marigold giggles, "Nope, and if I was it wouldn't matter much," She says before adding, "We're almost to my house, love."

"Perfect," Meadow sighs, wiping some of the rain off her face. It rolled down her face, like tears on a sad day. "I left my sketchbook at your place, right, Melimelum?"

Marigold giggled at the nickname, kissing her girlfriend on the cheek. Her lips were soft, like a blanket out of the wash. "Yes you did, love."

Meadow smiled, squeezing Marigold's hand with hers. She squeezed it three times, showing her love in her silent ways.

— — — — — — — — —

Rain fell outside the window, the soft thudding sound was calming to the two girls. Thundering added to the tranquil moment between the lovers.

Meadow and Marigold sat leaning against each other, Marigold's head laid on Meadow's shoulder. Her hair let free and pushed to the side on her shoulder. Her gaze was fixed on her newest poem, and sparsely glancing at Meadows newest sketch.

Meadow had her head leaning on Marigold's. Her expression was placid, and her eyes focused on her sketch. Her pencil scratched against the paper, small marks being added to the basic sketch.

The room was silent, besides the hum of a song and scratching of pencils on paper. The girls enjoy their moments like this. Used to the chatter and racket of their home city. The useless noise added from those who would likely forget them in days to come.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2023 ⏰

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