I am sorry my young child.. (chapter 15)

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illumi's pov:

It has been a month ever since the baby was born, Kotoko name her Kyoko. After work I got a phone call from Kotoko he voice was shaking and she sounded very sick like more than usual and out of energy she has been sick ever since 2 weeks ago I asked a doctor about it and they said it was normal but i don't believe them at all i tried to make her feel better by meds but that made her feel worse baby kyoko cries only a little so thats good but when i got to her house she was in her bedroom kyoko was asleep.

"is something wrong kotoko-" i saw her in the ground she has blacked out.. i quickly got the car seat and carefully but the baby in there i ran to the car to drop off the baby i ran to go get kotoko and i got her and put her into the car i went as fast as i could to the hospital



earlier i called hisoka and told him about everything he quickly came to the hospital we sat down waiting for news and baby kyoko was sleeping.

"Um excuse me are you the guardians of miss kotoko kimari?" a nurse asks me

"yes i am " i say

"i am sorry but kotoko sadly has um passed away.."


"she has died from an overdose and many other reasons you see kotoko already had mental health issues and many many other issues according to her records we have found out that she has taken many different pills to "calm the pain down" an example is Depressants and painkillers and the list goes on plus the labor was to much for her i am terribly sorry um does she have any relatives?"

"sadly she doesn't"

"hm we'll have to something with the bab-"

"NO I-I'll adopt her"

"excuse me?"

"um illu are you sure" hisoka says to me

"yes i am, madam i will like to adopt this child"

"um ok you'll have to sign this "

"ok" i did as she said the then the nurse left i quickly broke down in to tears "s-she was to young she- she didn't deserve none of this she c-could had a better life w-why did in need to happen to her both of them didn't d-deserve something t-t-this terrible..."

"shh i know i know.."

its been a weeks after the whole thing happened i had to get a baby sitter for the baby which was Shizuku she has had one child with machi but they're kid is 5 or 6 i don't know but i trust her to take care of the baby since she has done it before. Killua was devastated from the news he wish he could have been a better friend to her alluka was confused but she felt bad lately life has been alr i guess we found out the baby's eye color it was dark purple like her mother we bought everything the baby needed and we made the guest room her room this is my very first child and i am scared if i treat her wrong or harm her like my parents did to me and all my siblings in a few weeks the baby would finally and legally mines and hisoka's then her name would be Kyoko Morrow sounds kind of weird but hisoka says it sounds "perfect" oh my ... I am still trying to recover from the event and my life is getting kind of stressful, but it'll get better hopefully..

Gon's POV:
During lunch <3

"Killua are you ok you under eyebags are getting bigger.." i say touching his eyebags

"I am it's just that um.. Well i have been getting kind of been overthinking because of what happened to her and that keeps me awake at night" killua says holding my hand

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