A/N Chapter: Uhhh Character Info

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i think i shared some of these bios in my oc book, but that's only like....10 of them i think. ever since then, there's literally 70 OF THESE BITCHES NOW. SOMEONE PLEASE PUT A RESTRAINING ORDER ON ME /nsrs

uhhh yea this'll be a long one. i'll only share up to 41 of them. the rest will appear eventually

also if some names and shit sound familiar, it's bc the whole deal with the RG-verse is that everyone there (well all of the main and supporting characters at least) are all based on rhythm game songs. uh yea

ok. here they are. be fucking prepared.
1. Ars
A member of the royal family of the Cantate Kingdom. The deal is; he decided to become a classical musician instead. He's your typical prince- polite, prim and proper, knows what's wrong and what's right, calm and collected, and....charming. Heh. He is the trusted wielder of the family's prized possession: a magical gem. However, the Cantate gem has brought some concerning side effects to him, revealing a....dark side.

2. Lucas
A wandering traveler who just so happened to have stepped foot into the Cantate kingdom by chance. He may seem like a quiet, yet polite and kind person, but don't be deceived by his foolish acts. Deep down inside, he is rather malicious, a bit sadistic at best too. If there are any obstacles or enemies blocking his way in his travels, he'll obliterate them in a blink of an eye. They dubbed him the 'Lucid Traveler' for a reason.

3. Ana
The princess of the Astra Kingdom----a neighbouring kingdom of the Cantate Kingdom. She's kind, polite, well-mannered, and thinks positively of the things around her.....or is she? Little does anyone know, that another her is hidden deep within her kind act.

4. Destonio
A man who only wishes to cause destruction and chaos into this world. He never really liked the concept of hope, and has gave up on it long ago. The reasoning as to why he became like this is unknown, however. When he talks to his peers, he always mentioned the name 'Lumine'. It is unknown who this Lumine person is.

5. Fate
The Goddess of Fate. She's a rather eccentric girl to say the least, always poking fun at the other Gods and Goddess' near her. Her past is unknown too, but nonetheless, the other Gods and Goddess' knows that there's an unrevealed origin to her that a particular someone is hiding from them.

6. Trojan
A member of the ThunderRiders. He's a rather cunning guy, to say the least. He always jokingly flirts with the other guys in his little group of fighters, along with jokingly flirting with his good friend Tempo. It's unknown if he harbors any other feelings for him, though. He's a good fighter, always ready to pick a fight with anyone who hurts his loved ones or try to hurt him. He cares for his loved ones, he really does.

7. Tempo
Trojan's good friend and the leader of the ThunderRiders. He's serious and is always willing to finish his work quickly, even if he'll pull literal all-nighters to finish them. He doesn't like messing around and is straight to the point when it comes to talking with someone. He's pretty stiff, but underneath his demeanor is someone who cares for his fellow group members a lot.

8. Shifta
A robot who is designed by Tempo to help and aid the ThunderRiders members. There's not much to say about her other than the fact that she does her job well. However, she's starting to get a bit self-aware, according to Trojan, but Tempo hasn't noticed that yet...

9. Galactic
A member of the ThunderRiders and the second best fighter there after Trojan. She's cold, tough, and doesn't open up to others that easily. She's extremely strong, to the point where she can even throw someone across the room or send someone flying with just one effortless kick. She's intimidating, but most importantly dangerous. Be cautious when you're around her. Please.

10. Tessi
The Goddess of.....well, that's an information that until now...is unknown. Nobody knows. She comes down to this world from time to time, but never really confirms what kind of Goddess she is. She's just....there. She's rather cold and merciless when it comes to fighting enemies, and she's rather strong enough to crush a butterfly, I guess. Yikes.

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