Escape from Reality.

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I should be more kind,
I thought I was a good person until I found out my demon was my own good,
Cause you can't be a good person and want to be millionaire at the same time,
I would try to stop my ego if I care about my mental health,
But how should I pay my therapist if I didn't have money.

How would you feel if you would have all what you want,
If I were born in a palace I surely would be with my crush right now,
But would I be the same person with a hundred and one castles in my possession?

I want to imagine you and me being there,
But I guess you're better alone than with my mess,
Cause how the fuck can I say I love you if you said that you don't love no one,
I know you lied but that means I'm no one for you,
And that's not love.

So I just want to put my mask, see the fourth sides of the coin, and escape from they to another reality,
And escaping may be impossible for you,
But when you escape you know it, cause you don't escape until you end up doing it.

I overthink like If I had a pandemonium in my head,
But I guess that was not what your mom wanted of your boyfriend,
Is funny how when I was running from you three years ago the sun was me,
And now that you have leave the town I see that the sunshine gave gone with you.

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