𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏

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Nezuko's POV

I was helping tanjiro moving in recently into his new apartment with inosuke and zenitsu in order for him to be closer to his college campus and to get away from dealing with the 4 other siblings we have to live with.

"I am gonna be honest I was really surprised when I heard inosuke graduated on time and even more surprised when he actually got into a college" zenitsu said to me as he grabbed me a glass of water

"Well it is only a community college it isn't that hard to get into" I said as I sat on at the tiny table to take a break from moving boxes

"Yeah but still it's inosuke were talking about you can't say you weren't surprised he basically knows nothing"

"That's a bit harsh zenitsu he's trying his best you know he has learning difficulties"

"I guess you have a point but still" he continued as he took a seat opposite me
"Now i think about it Where is Inosuke?"

"I think he is helping tanjiro get the last of his stuff from the car-"

"Behold king inosuke" inosuke screamed as he barged in kicking the door open with two large boxes in his arms

"Oh there he is" zenitsu said e seemed to already be regretfully agreeing to let him move in

"Inosuke you need to be quieter there are other people living here" tanjiro said as he walked in just behind inosuke

"Yeah birdbrain" zenitsu said aggravated

"Zen you need to be nice" I told him

"Sorry" he said

"Is that everything, tanjiro" I asked

"Yeah everything in the car at least but I left some things at home but mum offered to go grab them for me so she should be back in a hour or so" he said cheerfully

"Wait but she is my only way back" I said

"oh oops" tanjiro said guilty

"If you want you could always stay for dinner" zenitsu said it was so obvious that he was practically begging for me to say yes in his head

"By that do you mean offer to help out because let's be honest none of you can cook" I joked

"I can cook" tanjiro defended himself

"Because I taught you and just because your food won't kill anyone it doesn't mean you can cook"

"I never said I could cook well"he said under his breath

"Yeah I'll stay for dinner why not"

"That's good to hear" tanjiro said gratefully

"So what's gonna be for dinner"I asked

"That we have not decided on" tanjiro said

"You three are doomed, there is no way you 3 can live in your own" I told them

I ended up spending the next few hours teaching them how to make simple dishes as well as making them food and freezing it so they have something later so they don't end up living off toast and cereal.

We ate our food and when we were done me and tanjiro proceeded to clean up whilst inosuke and zenitsu left to change and shower.

"I don't know how you 3 are ever gonna cope"I told tanjiro as he cleaned the dishes and I wiped down the counter and table.

"we'll be fine nezuko I can take care of myself you know"

"I'm only 17 and I can tell that you are no where near fit enough to live on your own"

my little pigletTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang