Chosen...! For...some reason..? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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You walked into your room and on your desk was a letter with a fancy wax seal on it. You had carefully opened it and glanced over it, when you just so happened to touch the signature at the bottom of the letter. You quickly found yourself in what felt like a wormhole of light and color and then suddenly appeared in front of a school-like area. You surveyed your surroundings and suddenly a satyr (half goat, half human) came up to you with a smile on his face.

"Hi! You must be a new student here!"


"I'm Carmelo! I'm a satyr from dimension G433/3!" "I'm also the editor of the school paper!", he said with a smile.

"I'm y/n... but I don't know how I got here or why I'm here?"

"Oh!, I know who would be best to explain everything to you! Follow me!"

You follow him to what appears to be an office that has gold and pearl themes, and you see a pretty half spider lady with a sweet smile that waves you in.

"You must be the new student!"

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