You Have to Watch This

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"Oliver," Sara drawled, slumped over the living room table. "I'm dying of boredom." It was a chilly autumn afternoon in Sara's apartment. The two had been studying and doing practice problems for two hours at this point. The ginger's hair was about to catch on fire from all the gears turning in her mind.

"You haven't even finished half of your problems yet," Oliver reprimanded. The house was empty besides the two of them, leaving them with nothing but their thoughts and math equations.

"Don't you ever get bored?" Sara asked, ignoring Oliver's comment. She turned her face from the table to meet Oliver's. "Do you just do math problems all day long every day?"

"Of course not." Oliver scoffed at the ridiculous suggestion. Sara sat upright to look back at Oliver who was sitting on the couch with his own math work in his lap.

"What do you do then?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like... your hobbies. What do you do for fun?" Oliver fell silent at this question for a moment.

"I play the guitar...?" He replied.

Sara's face fell flat. "That doesn't count."

"How doesn't that count, that's a hobby!"

"Cause I already know that about you! Plus, that's only one hobby. What else do you do?" Oliver fell silent once again. This time, he was unable to offer anything else. "That's it? Really?"

"Of course that's not it!" Oliver defended. "I... like listening to music..."

"Okay, can you say anything that's not music related?" Sara turned to fully face Oliver, propping up one arm on the couch. "Like, do you watch movies?"

"Not really." The blonde shrugged his shoulders.

"What." Sara's body went limp with shock. She suspected he didn't have many interesting hobbies- but not watching any movies? That's preposterous.


"You don't watch movies?" Her gaze pierced his soul with judgment.

"Not, like, actively." Oliver avoided eye contact, suddenly embarrassed about his lackluster watch history. "I'll watch whatever movie that Joe wants to watch occasionally but that's about it."

"Wow," Sara said deadpan. "That's sad, even for you."

"Wh-" Oliver was taken aback by Sara's harshness. "Well, what kind of movies do you watch then?"

"I love horror movies but I'll watch whatever honestly." She replied nonchalantly. A chill ran down Oliver's spine.

"Horror movies? Really?" He asked, face twisted into a sort of grimace.

"What, you don't like them?"

"I've never really seen one but-"

"WHAT!" Sara stood straight up and looked down at Oliver like he had just admitted to murder. Oliver retreated into the couch at her reaction. "You've never seen a horror movie?"

"N-no..." Oliver replied quietly. This is possibly the most scared he'd ever been of Sara.

"That has to change." Sara marched over to the TV and crouched down. She began rifling through the drawers. Oliver watched her pull out a movie case, inspect it carefully, and either put it back in the drawer or put it into a growing pile.

"Hmm..." Sara mumbled. "No, not that one."

"Uh..." Oliver muttered and was ignored. "Sara?" Again, he was ignored. Sara shortly after walked back to the couch, putting the pile of Blu-rays on the table.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2023 ⏰

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