Yes/ELP Strategy Meeting (High School AU)

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Yes and ELP have (reluctantly) joined forces to take down King Crimson and the evil Robert Fripp. After Greg Lake left the school's toughest gang, the King Crimson gang, he decided to trick Yes into perpetrating a nasty prank on Fripp, hopefully leading to King Crimson targeting Yes instead of his own new gang. So, Greg got Keith and Carl to meet up with Yes, and they're now holding a meeting in Chris Squire's basement.


Steve, Alan, and Carl impatiently sat at a short white folding table in complementary chairs. The others stood tensely around them. Tensions were high, not only because of Fripp's current reign of terror around school but also because ELP and Yes were sworn enemies.

No sound in the room was heard except for Carl's drumming on the table with his fingers. Greg smiled to himself.

"Alright everybody, we all know why we're here. Fripp and his gang of Crimsons have thrown down the gauntlet, and now we need revenge." Greg said as he paced around the room with his hands held behind his back, "We need a plan to FUCK with the Crimsons. We need to throw them off their game--figure out a way to really jack 'em up. Now, who's got some-"

"Ahem," Chris cleared his throat, getting everyone else's attention. "Greg, don't you think I should be leading this meeting?"

Greg glared at Chris from the corner of his eyes, considering if he were to take the lead, it would be less effective on the others. But now was not the time for another fight. "Fine, Chris. Go ahead."

Chris concealed a sly smirk on his face, "Alright everybody, we all know why we're here. Fripp and his gang of Crimsons have thrown down the gauntlet, and now we need revenge. We need a plan to FUCK with the Crimsons. We need to throw them off their game--figure out a way to really jack 'em up. Now, who's got some ideas?"

Greg shook his head disapprovingly. "Is this ever gonna get old for you, Squire?"

"No, it is not."

"I have a suggestion," Spoke up Keith Emerson, who stood in the corner with his back leaning against the wall. His arms were folded over his chest while his left leg crossed over the other. "How about you let me punch Fripp in the fucking face? Hm?"

Greg attempted to hold in his laughter while Chris shook his head. "No, Keith, if we do that, he'll just report us to the school and we'll all have one of those four-hour parent-teacher conference things."

"Oh God, yeah, no fuck that," Greg added.

"Ooh, I have an idea!" Carl Palmer abruptly sat up and smacked his hands onto the table. "Okay, what if we start a Wikipedia page about him and then fill it with lies..." He grinned mischievously, but the other guys present were not amused--besides Alan White, who was very excited with this entire event. He had recently joined the Yes gang and found their antics amusing.

"Oh yeah! Like his dad grew up Protestant! Disaster!" Alan smiled playfully, happy to be included in gang rivalries.

"Look out, looks like somebody's backin' up the burn train!" Carl said, and then they started making beeping sounds until Greg interrupted.

"Stop. First, that's a terrible idea. Secondly, that's not the sound a train makes when it backs up. That's more of a truck, or like a forklift, I don't know."

Carl nodded and understood that he and Alan were wrong..."Oh, okay. You're absolutely right Gregory." And then he and Alan started repeating "ooch" (because the train was going backward) in unison.

"Please, for the love of God, STOP." Greg snapped. Chris and Keith rolled their eyes at his temper while Alan, Carl, and even Steve sat up startled.

"Well, I'm out of ideas," Alan declared.

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