Duck Tape

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I walked into the house, seeing everyone was standing around Void, while Void was laying on the couch, his head held back, indicating that he was still asleep. I took a deep breath, and joined the others, they glanced at me for a second then focused back to Void. Scott and Lydia were now both here, I walked toward the back of the group a bit though, though I was in Voids eye lign once he was awake.

Over the past couple months, I wasn't sure why I was acting or thinking of Void in a certain way, but I do know why now. I hoped he felt the same way, though I doubt that since he was incapable of love.

"Get him off me!"

I snapped my eyes toward one of the twins, I could barely tell them apart, so I still don't know their names. I think one of the names in Aiden or something?

I hadn't even noticed I zoned out before Void was choking the twin while laughing, enjoying what he was causing. My eyes widened, I wasn't sure if I should do something, but Scott pulled Void off him. Void went to choke him again, but his hand immediately stopped moving.

I perked an eyebrow in surprise, pleasant that Void finally couldn't move or act on anything now. Even though I did care about Void, I could never act on it, I would never do that to the pack.

"Kanima venom. Nice touch." Void mumbled as he slowly laid back down, putting his arm down. He looked around the room, he met my gaze and wouldn't look away. I gulped, feeling like the spotlight was on me. Though he finally dragged his gaze away once Lydia stepped forward in a threatening manner.

"What are you planning you son of a--

"I'll save you all the trouble, alright?" Void interrupted, leaving Lydia taken back. I noticed Void had a little smile on his face now as he slowly looked at me.

"I just need Y/n." He said, his eyebrows raised up a bit, explaining his needs in such a calming and casual manner it made my spine tingle with so many emotions. I just stared at him, expressionless, not knowing if I should do, or say something.

"What? Why do you need Y/n?" Lydia asked, crossing her arms over her chest and leaning her weight over to the left a bit, glaring at Void.

He looked at Lydia, rolling his eyes in annoyance, and he smiled a bit bigger now.

"You don't know? How slow are you guys?" He tilted his head to the side a bit, he perked a lip, a face a baby would make. I took a quiet deep breath, looking up and down his body. I didn't notice myself zoning out once more as I admired his body, the way his lips were, his large veiny hands--

I shook my head, snapping myself back to reality, I glanced down at the ground nervously. I was wearing baggy jeans, and just a simple hoodie with that.

"Y/n, why don't you tell them?" Void turned to me, amusement laced all across his face. I looked up, seeing everyones eyes on me. I thought they all knew why Void needed me for his little plan?

"I-well-you see---

"You know what, we don't have time for this. We need to focus more on his plans, rather than his needs."

Alan Deaton.

A very smart man, is all that I could say to describe him.

Everyone nodded and followed Deaton out into the dining/kitchen area. Leaving Void on the couch, though I noticed Melissa slowly walked up to him. I leaned over the door frame of the two rooms, and I watched.

I started to turn up my hearing, and started to listen intensely.

"This isn't you Stiles.." She whispered, glancing down and back up at him nervously.

Did I zone out again and didn't notice cause Void had tears in his eyes. He smiled, tipping his head a bit in amusement that Melissa was trying to reach Stiles.

I must admit, I missed Stiles so, so much. I wanted him back so bad, even though we arent as close as we used to be, I still wanted him in my life, and I wanted to get to know him all over again. I always did have a huge crush on Stiles, but clearly didn't say or do anything about it, given the fact that he was madly in love with Lydia.

But I also wanted Void.

"It is now." He smiled, giving Melissa chills down her spine probably. I sighed, and decided to turn to the rest of everyone, Deaton was already talking, and everyone was listening like their lives depended on it.

Before I could start listening like everyone else, Melissa came storming in the room, tears down her face, staring dead into my soul.

What did Void do?

I looked at her just as everyone else did, I knew Void had made everything worse at the moment, and I think I know what he said. I started to breathe shallow breaths, I felt my heart beat quicker and quicker every millisecond came by.

"You slept with Void? How could you do this y/n??"

She screamed, tears streaming down her face. My eyes widened just as everyone else's did. I stuttered completely, not being able to get any words out of my stupid mouth. I mean, what am I supposed to say to that??

"You did what?!" Lydia screamed, and I slowly turned around to face everyone. I was shaking, this didn't feel real. This couldn't be real?

I couldn't hold down my cries, so I just let down all tears and I ran. Before I could even think, my feet just started getting me out of that room. I ran all the way home, hoping no one came after me.

Especially Void.

Forget all those things I ever said or thought about him, it was all gone. How could he do this to me? He knew I would never be in the pack again, he knew that I would have no friends left after they find out. Yet he didn't care, he just spilled it out. He didn't care about me, and he never did. I mean, you don't go and tell your allies that!

Once I was in my house, I ignored my mother as she called my name from the living room. I ignored everything around me, and I just ran into my room and slammed the door, going into my bed.

I wanted to disappear. I always have, but someone changed that perspective just a little bit, and made me hopeful, and made me wonder what could happen, and what did happen. I used to think of Void as a person who would never hurt me. Ever. I used to think that maybe, just maybe, if I was upset or something, he would be there unlike everyone else in the pack.

He accepted me for who I was, whereas the pack didn't even want me to activate my powers, and only did it to beat the villain. And even though Void didn't want to use my powers for his power, it just felt different compared to the packs. He felt different.

But now all that's changed.



Srry this chap kinda sucked, but I wasn't really sure how else to do it lol.
And OMG!!! We reached 1k reads which is crazy!! ty all smmmmm!!!!

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