Diary Entry

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November 2nd [Junior Year]

Dear Diary,

Today was like diving into a pool of darkness, and I can't seem to find my way back to the surface. The whispers cut through the defenses I thought I had, each word like a blade, carving into the fragile wall I've built. They judge me as if the digits on my family's bank statement determine my value. I'm drowning in the weight of their scorn.

Sure I come from a family of high standing but not high enough to warrant their friendship and admiration. High academic achievements were supposed to be my refuge, my shield against the taunts. But it turns out, success only paints a bigger target on my back. They resent me even more, and I can't escape their suffocating grip. 

I hate it all so much!

I used to think I could endure the name-calling and occasional shoving. Even when she humiliated me in the cruelest ways, I held back my tears. But today, it's like the world has caved in. It's gone too far, and I don't know how much more I can take.

I hate them all, and I hate that I can't do anything about it. No matter how much I plead for help, they always find a way to hurt me even more. I've learned the hard way that speaking up only invites more pain.

So, I've decided to shut up.

I'll do as they say because it's easier that way. At least, it used to be.


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