Chapter 1

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It had all happened so fast. One moment, the goth girl was saying farewell to Kagami, and the next, she on the ground screaming in pure agony. Chloe had a bottle of something from their science class clutched in her hands and a wicked grin was stretched across her whole face.

Marinette cried out as the glass bottle dropped onto the concrete and a hot, burning sensation came to the forefront of her mind, making her eyes and throat sting.

Before Emo Marinette could say a word, hot searing pain shot through her entire body like a savage wolf hunting for it's prey. Her small form twitched and writhed, a high-pitched scream tour from her throat and her vision started to fade away.

Help me! Somebody, please help me! She silently preyed in her mind, hoping against hope that Claw or one of her other friends would hear her agonized cries.

"What the fuck did you do to her?" Kagami's voice spoke of bad things to come and Marinette could faintly hear her making a phone call through the sharp, high-pitch ringing sound in her ears.

The young superhero tried to wipe at her eyes but a pare of hands batted her fingers away from her face. "Don't touch anything!" It was Adrian who's shouted at her while another pair of hands gently brushed through her hair.

Hot, salty tears ran down her face and near-silent sobs racked through her small frame. Everything here and she just wanted the pain to go away.


An Insistent paw batting at her face was what woke Emo Marinette up early that morning. "Finally, I've been doing that for five minutes. You okay, Nettie?"

She cursed silently under her breath and rubbed furiously at her eyes. Her head felt like a tone of bricks as she lifted her gaze to meet the worried face of her kwami.

Marinette awoke a few hours later to a harsh beeping sound and a breathing tube in my throat, and a mask on my face. 'What? Where am I?' I thought to myself, I started to squirm and in my panic the mask fell from my mouth. I panicked even more when another beeping sound was herd. Then the door open and a doctor came rushing in followed by Osono, her husband, and their baby.

"Mari-chan, I see your awake. You must keep that mask on." The doctor told her while pointing to the oxidant mask that curebtlg rested upon Marinette's pale face. The gothic bluenette soon learned that her name was Lily. She soon explained to the young blue-haired teen what had happened to her.

"But why? And where are Kagami, Adrian, and Juleka?" The pigtailed bluenette was stopped in mid-conversation with the nurse when she felt something musing against her side. Marinette turned to get a better look at what it could be, but all the goth girl could see was nothing but ouch black darkness.

It took a few moments for her brain to process what she had already figured out, but upon realizing that she couldn't see anything but darkness, Marinette began to panic.

The dark-haired girl tried her hardest to keep it together as she came to the end of her story, but it was hard and the pigtailed bluenette took a deep breath in an attempt to stop the on-coming panic attack.

But it failed miserably and Marinette choked and gasped for air, feeling her mussels tighten and her throat closing. The dark-haired half Chinese girl whimpered softly as she felt hot, salty tears wet her cheeks and felt her mind collapsing in on itself as her thoughts continued to spiral out of control.

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