Chapter 14 A Story of A Blackmail

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- I'm famished and desperate for some salmon. Would you like to join me? - inquired Daniel glancing at Katherine.

- Sure, it's a great idea. Would you like me to help with the cooking?

- I'd be really pleased if only it doesn't bother you?

- Not at all. Besides, we still haven't figured out a way for me to repay you for all you've done for me today.

- Please, don't mention it. Having some time around you with no American gorrilas tracking us down and your life being at threat, is such a rare occasion.

- Touche. Well, then let's get on with it?

They started getting the kitchen ready for the cooking, pulling plates, saucepans and different kitchen appliances that might be handy.

- Oh, God... - Katherine startled.

- What is it?

- It completely slipped my mind. My mum is about to call us to clear all the mess with dad's kidnapping up. In the course of our phone call she hinted that he has been blackmailed for quite some time. I assume, his refusal to cooperate with these thugs provoked them to act out and seize dad.

- You may be right. Nevertheless, I suggest we do not jump to conclusions, until everything's clear.

- Agreed.

A sudden buzzing on Katherine's laptop stopped them from talking. Daniel has already put the salmon inside the oven. so it was just about an hour left for them to finally dine.Katherine rushed to the laptop and pushed 'Enter' to finally set things right. Daniel joined in, sitting right by her side. His presence somewhat boosted her confidence and comfort.

- Katty, dear. How am I glad to finally see you safe and sound!

- Oh, mum, I'm so happy that you're okay. These last few days have devasted me so much. Seeing your face brings me such pleasure.

- Daniel, how nice to see you again.

- The pleasure is all mine, Mrs.Winters.

- I don't know if I ever will be able to repay you for everything you're doing for Katty. Ensuring her safety.

- Please, Mrs.Winters. We've known each other long enough already.

- That's true. To be perfectly honest, the sutiation I'm currently finding myself in makes me unsettling. Who could have done such a thing? What are they after? Everything has become so tangled.

- Mum, please, calm down. We'll make sure dad is home safe and sound. No harm will come to him.

It broke Katherine's heart to see her mother this way with the eyebags indicating she's been restless for God knows how long. Her eyes swelling due to extended crying.

How stupid of me to leave them behind. And it's all my foolish pride to blame for. I'll never forgive myself if something goes wrong.

- Mrs. Winters, Katherine is absolutely right. For now, you'd better not panic and try to think as clear as possible.

- I guess you're both right. Honestly, it's no easy feat.

- Katherine's telling me Mr.Winters has been blackmailed for quite some time. Do you have any idea what the subject of these messages might be?

- I might be wrong, but something tells me it's all about this Tudor treasure he has been researching for so long and even made several attemts to locate it.

- Have you seen the messages?

- Not until this day, when I had someone from the Royal Historical Society support service tackling it. I've never had access to his laptop. You know how things work with people of his trade. Your father is just the same.

- I couldn't agree more. - Daniel confirmed with a bit od dissapointment in his voice,

What is the meaning of this?

- Mum, could you send us the messages straight away, so that we can come up with a plan? - Katherine asked.

- Sure. I hope it gives you a hint at what's going on here.

 - Fear not, Mrs.Winters. I'll do all in my power to leave all the troubles behind. - Daniel comforted Mrs. Winters.


Katherine was starring at the screen speechless. The words nearly tore her heart apart.

We know all about the folio and the letter which indicates where to find the Tudor gems.Hand them over. Of course, we're not asking for free. We're ready to pay. Consider your options. You have two days to reply, otherwise, problems begin.

- Seems like the message is anonymous. - concluded Daniel double checking it.

- It surely is. - Katherine agreed in despair. - Seems like it's our last clue. I thought the letter would clarify at least something.

- Do not despair. Our investigation is not over yet. I know everything seems disturbing to you but trust me, only time can make things right. - claimed Daniel with a note of reassurance in his voice.

- I wish I could have reversed all the mess I've caused. Let my parents know, their happiness and safety are the only things truly vital to me.

- You'll get that chance. Remember, never give up.

God, it breaks my heart to see her suffering. If only I could open up about my mission to make sure she's no longer in pain.

- I suspect, the letter has been sent by the same bastards who tried to kidnap me.

- Clearly, no one else is interested in locating these gems. - Daniel agreed. - The salmon is getting cold and you haven't eaten a bite. - worry readable in Daniel's words.

- I'm really sorry, but unfortunately, I don't feel like eating. I'm afraid this damn blackmailing thing is going to make my stomach turned. Sorry for the details.

- You have to. I assume, you have not had a morsel to eat for about half a day. You're probably starving. I don't want you to faint. That's going to be quite unfortunate. You're pale ...

- Fair enough. To be honest, it's been a while since I last had a meal. - admitted Katherine.

- So, without further ado, let's get to the meal, shall we?

They've had the meal in complete silence. Katherine had actually no desire to discuss any further detail over dinner. Getting her wits was critical at the momet. And Daniel, he just wanted to give her some time on her own not to stir her thoughts and make her even more upset. They seemed like perfect soul mates tapping into each other's minds without saying a word. 

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