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"Are you sure you took everything? You didn't forget something?" My mother asked for the tenth time that morning. I was quite nervous.. Today I am moving back to Korea and leaving my family. I sighed and sat back in the back seat of the car.

"Yes I did. I checked like five times already!" I said and plugged my earphones in. I heard my mother sigh before turning on the car. The car ride to the airport was around 3 hours long so I just stared at the window. The raindrops were slowly sliding down the glass, making me forget about my nervousness.

It's not like I'd be living alone. I'd live with my two best friends, Felix and Chan. I became close to them in kindergarten, before I had to move to Malaysia. I kept staring out the window, lost in my thoughts and I eventually fell asleep.


"Hey honey, we're here.." I opened my eyes and saw my mother shaking me awake. Once I finally awoke I followed my parents into the airport where I soon found the luggage check in. I gave them all my suitcases and sat down on the chair next to my mom.

"My baby is all grown up" my father cooed while hugging me. It was really sad leaving him and mom, but it was my own decision.

"I'll miss you so much" my mom started sobbing. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and pulled her into my warm embrace. I teared up seeing my own mother like this.

"Hey it's okay.. I'll call and text every day, plus I'll visit during the holidays it's fine." I chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.

"Flight 0325 to South Korea passengers boarding now" I heard them call over the speakers. I stood up and hugged my parents one last time before I boarded the plane.

Once I was on the plane I found my seat and took out my phone and earphones again. I hated long plane or car rides, so this was going to be terrible. We soon started taking off and I closed my eyes, falling asleep again.


"Alright passengers, the plane will land in 20 minutes so make sure you don't leave anything"

I awoke to the sound of the speaker. I sighed and took off my earphones, folding them neatly before putting them in my bag. I rubbed my eyes still feeling tired even tho I slept for a couple of hours.

Soon the plane landed and I walked to the luggage pick up. I scanned the suitcases looking for mine before spotting it. I took it and walked out of the airport.

I heard someone shout my name. I snapped my head towards the voice, seeing Felix waving at me. I quickly walked over and tackled the younger in a hug.

"I missed you" I mumbled still keeping my arms around Felix's small body.

"I missed you too Jisungie~" he said in a mocking but still playful voice. I broke the hug and lightly punched his shoulder before crossing my arms over my chest. He laughed and took my arm and pulled me somewhere.

"Chan is in the car" he said happily once we reached a quite big car. I hopped in the backseat after putting my bags in the trunk.

"Hi Chan! I missed you" I said and pouted like a child to which Chan laughed.

"Missed you too kid. Now let's get going? We have a lot to catch up on!" He showed me his signature dimpled smile before turning back to the front of the car, starting the engine.

"I can't wait to live in Korea!" I was so happy.

But little did I know..



Lost || Han JisungWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt