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"I need you to be candid with me. You have to be. I cannot and will not live without you." The roars of the crowd and the flashing lights weren't enough to stop Yoongi from having this conversation with you right here and right now. "You've been distant. I thought we made progress... And yet... You can't do this!" You swiftly dipped under the rope separating BTS and Army. "Not here. Not now Yoongi!" Security stepped in and seized you to keep you from going any further.

"Then when?! I'm sick of playing your stupid game! Me being an idol doesn't mean I don't have feelings Narae! There is only but so much I can fake. You refuse me each time, but you still show up at every event we have in Korea! Is it just to torment me? Does knowing that I can't allow myself to be phased excite you? You are the bane of my existence... I can't stop myself from thinking about you. Why do you deny me? It's like I don't know you." It wasn't a secret to the other members or fans that you two had something going on but this was unexpected. You had to be honest with yourself. You wanted nothing more than to be with him. To hold him. To kiss him.

"I breathe for you. I eat for you. I sleep for you. I walk with you. You're the quilt that I sleep with at night that protects me from the monsters I made up in my head. I denied you because I didn't want you to think I didn't love you. I am crazy about you. I can't stay away from you, I panic when I'm not in the same vicinity as you. Yoongi, I love you. Words cannot suffice. You complete me." You fussed with the guards while Yoongi tried to force himself past Namjoon and Jungkook who were holding him back.

"Actions speak louder than words. Show me you mean what you say. Kiss me Narae."


My Amygdala [Yoongi]Where stories live. Discover now