Chapter 24

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Gale: "Split up, if one of us get jumped then the other can get the flag while one is busy."

Luke: "Right!"

Luke runs to one of the elevators as Gale goes to another

No one's in Luke's Elevator

Gale runs into Ethan and Nisha

Nisha: "She can't take us both"

Gale quickly presses all the buttons on the elevator

Ethan: "You're sneaky"

Ethan takes out his new weapon

So does Nisha and Gale

Ethan: "She's no joke"

Nisha: "Oh I know"

Ethan: "It's time to get serious"

Chapter 24

Ethan slashes his Katana

A dagger attached to Gale's glove comes out and she blocks the strike

Ethan's Katana retracts becoming dagger sized and then he goes for a stab

A dagger comes out of Gale's other glove

Nisha takes out nunchucks from inside her uniform

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