Chapter 15 A Restless Night

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Katherine was grateful to Daniel for convincing her to have a meal as when reaching the bedroom she realised she no longer felt weak and worn out. Salmon has warmed her body up a bit and she could feel the warmth streaming down making her limbs finally relaxed.

Trully, I'm lucky to have run into this guy. But the question remains. How did dad and Daniel happen to know each other? Seems like they're both keeping something from me. How does he know my family so well and why did dad trust him with my life? 

Her head started to spin with all the questions she could not find answers to. To scare off all the issues and finally doze off, she decided to read a bit. Thankfully, Katherine managed to grab Andrew Dickson's "Worlds Elsewhere. Journeys Around Shakespeare's Globe" the book dealing with the impact of Shakespeare's work on other nations and cultures.

May be a short reading session makes me feel less disturbed. I strongly need something to leave my fear behind.

Katherine reached the part where the author was uncovering some of the entertaining facts concerning Shakespeare's work and it's influence around the USA when she felt her eyelids getting heavy making her finally drift off.

When dreaming, Katherine found herself in an unfamiliar place that looked like a room inside and old-fashioned mansion. All of a sudden, Katherine was startled hearing a familiar voice fool of despair, begging for help.

-Katty! My sweet child. Please, help me out! Don't turn your back on me. There's not much time left. - Father? Father, where are you?- Turn around.

As she turned, her heart skipped a beat. Her father was sitting on a chair with his hands tied around his back. He looked really exhausted and seems like there was too much pain coursing through his body. He could barely withstand it. Blood was dripping from his forehead covering the left side of his face.

- No! Father, please! Don't leave me! We still have some time to talk things through. I'm so sorry I let you down. Talk to me! I'm begging you!

-Know that I loved you, my dear! You're the best thing I've ever done in my life.

His eyelids closed helplessly and no other words were coming out of his mouth.

-Nooooooooooooo!!!- Katherine shrieked.

- How touching! As I said before, no one rejects Kaleb Siles and no one dares making him look a fool!

- I know that voice...

This nightmare made her wake up in cold sweat. Her entire body was shaking in terror. Katherine did her best to sit up in bed when she heard a sudden buzz. Picking up the phone she saw an incoming message saying:

Hey, babe! Time is up. You have one week to find these fucking treasures and hand them over, otherwise your beloved daddy is a dead man! And this shining-armour son of a bitch of yours is not going to save you this time. Suit yourself.

Katherine's heart started to hammer making the rib cage ache like crazy. She was covered in sweat and feverish.

I have to do something. I can't just lay back here and do nothing. Father, I cant' lose you!

With her legs giving way she reached the door and pushed the handle trying hard to leave the room. Her lungs were desperate for air. She went dizzy. Katherine was no longer in control of her body. Her eyes welled.

- Father! - she cried out as loud as she could. - Forgive me! I did not mean this to happen. It's all my fault!

- Katherine? What's happening? Are you okay? - Daniel rushed to the stairs to catch her as she was about to faint.


Standing in the middle of the stairs, holding Katherine, unconscious in his arms, Daniel was speechless. He tried to somehow make her come round.

- Katherine! Open your eyes, talk to me... C'mon!

Jesus! Her forhead is as hot as hell. She's feverish. I have to carry her upstairs. 

- Sherlock!

- Yes, sir.

- Assess Katherine's condition, would you?

- Of course, sir. Seems like she has a high fever. The source is hard to identify. Presumably, she might have suffered from some kind of shock, but I suggest you call a doctor to ensure Ms.Mayfair's safety.

- Thank you, Sherlock. I suspect Dr.Peterson is my only option.

Taking the stairs carefully, not to lose balance, Daniel reached the bedroom and put Katherine back to bed, covering her hot body with a blanket.

Goodness gracious! Her feet are as cold as ice.

Daniel rushed to the bathroom, soaked one of the towels and retired to the bedroom. Placing the towel on Katherine's fervent forehead he reached into his jeans pocket to fish out the phone.

- Dr. Peterson? Sorry to disturb you late at night, but I need your help urgently. There's no time to lose!


- You have perfect timing, Dr. Peterson. - said Daniel, leading a man in his sixties upstairs.

- I came here as fast as I could, Lord Laremce.

- Please, do not call me that. You know I refused my title long ago. It's my father who has always been obsesssed with power and politics not me.

- My apologies, Mr. Lawrence. Where is the patient?

- She's in the bedroom. She accidentally fainted and nearly fell down the stairs.

- Was there anything unusual about her behaviour?

- Before losing consciousness, she seemed frightened and was crying something out.

- Is she prone to sleep walking? - the doctor inquired.

- I'm not sure. We've only just met.

- How so?

- I'd like to share more information but I'm afraid I'm obliged to keep it secret. Could you help her?

- Seems like she has had an emotional shock that caused the fever and made her faint.

- She's burning. I fear, the fever might get worse.

- No worries. I'll make an injection to stop the fever. She'll be fine in the morning. But I suggest you stay here, to monitor her condition. In case any questions arise, you know where to fimd me.


Upon the doctor's departure, Daniel stayed put right next to Katherine's bed, making sure her condition improves. The injection eased the symptoms and seems like Katherine was no longer in trouble.

What could possibly provoke such a reaction? Whoever is behind this will answer to me.

- No... No, please, I told you to let me be. Why do you keep stalking me? No... - Katherine suddenly started talking in her sleep with her body shaking badly.


- Daniel? Daniel, please, don't leave me. He's here for me again! I'm afraid... Make him go away, please.

- I'm here. There's nothing to fear. No one dares touching you, while I'm around. Hush...

- Stay with me, please.

- I will.

Daniel took Katherine's hand into his so that she calms down a bit. She was still shivering, though. To comfort her, Daniel lied next to Katherine, embracing her softly with his arm. The warmth of his body and the embrace seemed to keep the shivering at bay, getting Katherine's breathing back to normal.

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