Fanmade Trollstopia Episode 7: Poppy's Bad Cut

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(Poppy is on a walk with Branch, Holly, Val, Biggie, Satin, and Chenille.)

Poppy: Ah! What a nice day!

Branch: Yeah, it is a beautiful day.

Holly: A perfect day to go out walkin'!

Val: I agree! I love the sunny weather.

Satin and Chenille: Same here with us!

Biggie: Look, guys!

Poppy: What is it, Biggie? (She gasps and sees bouncy mushrooms.) Wow!

Biggie: They look like a lot of fun!

Satin and Chenille: (Running to the mushrooms) Bounce time! (They start jumping on the mushrooms.)

Branch: Here I go! (He starts bouncing on the mushrooms.) Whooooooooooo! This is so much fun!

Holly: Wait for us, y'all! (She, Poppy, Val, and Biggie join the others and they bounce on the mushrooms. They do various tricks.) Wooooo-hoooooo!

Val: Yeah, baby!

Poppy and Biggie: Wheeeeeeee!

Satin: Bouncing on mushrooms is fun!

Chenille: I agree, sis!

Poppy: Watch me do a special trick!

Branch: Go ahead! (Poppy starts to jump higher.)

Biggie: Poppy, be careful of the thorns!

Poppy: What thorns?

Holly: Above you! (But she is too late. When Poppy does a back flip, her right knee scrapes off a thorn and she gets a big cut.)

Poppy: OUCH!!! (She lands on the mushroom she was bouncing on.) Val: Popsqueak!

Branch: Oh, no!

Val: Are you OK?!

Poppy: No! I have a big cut on my knee! (Her eyes fill with tears.)

Holly: It must hurt really bad.

Satin: Chenille, Biggie, and I will get Dr. Moonbloom.

Chenille: The rest of you, carry Poppy to her pod.

Val: You got it. (She, Branch, and Holly pick up Poppy and bring her to her pod. Soon, she is sitting on the side of her bed.)

Dr. Moonbloom: I heard that you have a big cut on your right knee.

Poppy: (sobs) Yes!

Biggie: Can you please treat it?

Dr. Moonbloom: Yes. (She cleans Poppy's knee and bandages it.) There.

Holly: What now?

Dr. Moonbloom: She'll need two days of bed rest.

Poppy: (gasps) What?! But I'll miss Tiny's birthday party!

Branch: Don't worry, Poppy. We'll bring your bed to Tiny's birthday party. That way you can rest and be at the party.

Poppy: Thank you. (Dr. Moonbloom leaves. Holly then puts the blanket over Poppy.)

Holly: There. Comfy and warm.

Satin: Sorry about your knee. But we'll cheer you up.

Chenille: How about some ice cream?

Poppy: That should help me feel better.

Val: Branch, you go get ice cream for us. I'll stay here with the others.

Branch: Got it. (He leaves to get ice cream.)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11 ⏰

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