sign here.

829 16 4

tick, tick, tick. aurora was dying of boredom as she signed her way through the same paperwork draco was given, he was done after 10 minutes. aurora had been sat at the table staring at the words for nearly 40 now.

"are you done yet, miss malfoy?"

knee bouncing, the blonde snapped her head up at the auror before her. "no, sorry"

the man nodded and flicked back through his own paperwork on his desk.

'signature: ____'

the twins had been told they were invited to their fathers next trial to speak for or against him. draco decided he wasnt going to do either but attend the trial as an observer and speak if needed.

aurora had agreed she was to speak against lucius. she just needed to sign the stupid paper to say she gives consent for the use of veritaserum.

'just sign the goddamn paper, aurora, what is wrong with you' she told herself.

however her mind kept thinking to when her father is released from azkaban, and the consequences she would face.

the ministy of magic was a big place, so expectedly cold, especially in the middle of february. her skirt was short and her legs were freezing and she was convinced she could see her breath in the air when she exhaled, although it couldve been her imagination.

she took a deep breath and quickly signed her name onto the peice of paper and handed it to the auror before she could second guess herself.

"thank you, miss malfoy, we will see you on the 6th of march"

aurora nodded and left the room, jumping when she came face to face with draco. had he been waiting here the whole time? she had assumed he had left after he signed his own paper. clearly she had assumed wrong.

"fucking- salzar dray, scared me"

"sorry kid. did you sign it?"

"i did"

"dont be overthinking it, youre doing the right thing"

she nodded "i know"

"thats the spirit, come on, lets go back to the castle"



i hate life so much rn but we live we love we lie.

thank you for 10k reads btw!

short chapter but im going to start the next one now so hopefully itll be out before tomorrow, if not i apologise.

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