Welcome to Pinewood

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It is a warm afternoon in Pinewood. Business is going on as usual, and the town is covered in red, orange, and yellow. It was autumn and a few days to the best holiday of the season,  Halloween. Pinewood High School is preparing for a Halloween party for the seniors. The principal,  Mr. Lindley is overseeing the work. "Aaah! The beautiful spirit of Halloween. "he said.
   The protagonist,  Jacob Clark, is helping his younger sister,  Jennifer Clark, to try out her witch costume."I look beautiful!" she said, smiling. She turned to her brother and asked, "What are you gonna wear?" Jacob thought hard before saying, "I dunno." "Yeah, right."said Jennifer.  She then walked out.  Just then, Jacob's friend, David Herring,  came in. " Sup, bro!" he said.
  "Oh, hey, Dave." said Jacob. "You have a costume for the party?," asked Jacob. "Yep. Imma dress up as the Blackhood, " said David. "The who?" asked a surprised Jacob. "The Blackhood, you know, the serial killer dad from that Riverdale movie, "explained David. "Oh! Yeah, Hal Cooper?" said Jacob, suddenly remembering.
   "And what are you gonna dress as?" asked David. "I haven't really given it much thought." said Jacob. "No worries,  I'm sure you'll find something," David reassured Jacob. "Maybe we can look for some horror stuff on the Internet."said a hopeful Jacob.
   That evening, they rushed over to the Clark Residence. They found Mr. Clark repairing  his car amidst a conversation with his wife about insurance coverage. The duo went to Jacob's room. They searched in the computer about any paranormal creature.  They saw many, 'Creepypastas' as they're called. However, one struck them like gold. A tall, horrendous creature: The Buck Toothed Ripper.

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