The First Night

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It all seemed incredibly impossible. Like she had been going through life with her eyes half closed - seeing a blurry and distorted version of the world. Convincing herself of truths and willingly making anything irrational a momentary lapse of sense. But how could she ever look at the world the same way again when she was stood in a blue police telephone box that was BIGGER ON THE INSIDE?! Her rational mind had done everything it possibly could to make sense of it - parlour tricks, optical illusions - she had even gone as far as considering narcotics and the possibility she had finally breathed in too many London fumes and was simply losing her mind. But after everything she had been through in the last 48 hours, what she had witnessed and done, hand-in-hand with this complete unnamed stranger - the Doctor - how could she possibly find any other rational explanation to it all? This wasn't just a box that happened to be bigger on the inside - it was adventure and it was calling her name loud and clear.
From the moment she stepped inside, she felt like she belonged - that no matter how many twists and turns there had been in her life, this was where they all joined together. And it wasn't just any old box - it was a spaceship - it was a Time Machine!

"Welcome aboard" the Doctor said, breaking her frantic thoughts still trying to find some sort of sense of it all. He gave her a wide smile as he casually strode up the ramp to the centre of the TARDIS and what Rose believed was the main controls of the space ship - whatever made it fly through time and space. She gave him a smile back, desperately searching for the right words when all she wanted to blurt out was promise you are not a complete psychopath mixed with take me some place, any place out there!
"Let's get the formalities out of the way, shall we?" The Doctor broke the silence as he flipped a switch and pulled a lever and an electric thrum filled any remaining silence. "The TARDIS has an endless amount of rooms but she's intelligent and in your head - did I mention she is in your head?" he continued without waiting on any prompt from Rose herself.
Rose walked up the ramp herself and moved closer to the Doctor, watching his hands move across the console like a pianist playing his favourite piece, every note remembered in his fingers, playing by themselves without thought or guide. It was beautiful in its own way.
"Whatever room you could possibly need, just make it a thought and you'll find it around the next corner. That includes your very own bedroom. Do you prefer single bed? Double? Bunk beds?" the Doctor kept going without as much as looking at her.
It felt as if his words were on a slight delay. She? Who is SHE? Ah... he means this - this TARDIS - and she's what now?!
"Wait... whoa... slow down there!" Rose interrupted, looking up at the Doctor with a hand raised. "She's in my head?!"
     "Yes!" the Doctor replied, looking ever so slightly annoyed that she had interrupted. "In your head, your thoughts - she also translates any foreign - even alien - language to plain and simple English". He pressed the last switch and turned his full attention to her.
     "Right. Where was I? Oh yes, beds! I made you a double bed, Union Jack bedspread as I reckon that's the sort of thing you're into?" He gestured towards a set of stairs leading up. "Right this way!"
     "The TARDIS..." Rose started as she followed behind the Doctor who was leading her up the stairs. "She will know what room I'm after if I simply think about it?" Whether that was future technology or magic, Rose couldn't quite decide.
     The Doctor spun around on his feet at the top of the stairs and gave her a big satisfied nod followed by yet another gesture towards a door - wooden, which looked horrendously out of place, but it had a name sign on it, with cursive delicate letters spelling out her name.
     "Well? What are you waiting for? Go have a look! Should have everything you need." The Doctor looked like a big, proud kid holding up his latest creation ready to pin on the board.
     "You really are something out of this world" Rose muttered as she grabbed the handle and opened the door.

He had barely spent 5 minutes in her room at home and yet, what she walked into was almost an exact copy. Familiar but not quite. It was spacious - about as big as their entire flat - with a double bed tugged away in a corner. Above the bed hung a veil the same colour as a galaxy - deep blue, pink and purple - which clashed ever so slightly with the Union Jack bedding. The ceiling was a dark purple and dotted with stars acting as the ceiling light. It had an en suite, fully equipped with the same products she used at home, and a walk-in wardrobe brimming with clothes - seeing she hadn't brought any, having stormed into the TARDIS on a bit of a whim - it was a welcome addition.
     "I love it!" she exclaimed gratefully to the Doctor who was hovering in the doorway.
     "Fantastic!" he replied with delighted smile. "I'll let you get settled in, get some rest, and then I've got just the destination in mind for the morning." And with those words he closed the door behind him and left Rose in her new room.

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