The Murder of The Mystery

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Two figures sat close together, whispers transferring between them. Slowly, the sun rose, casting a soft golden glow over the open grasslands. A slight breeze ruffled their fur; the song of birds filled the crisp morning air. One of the two figures, a white tom, leaned closer to the other, his tail curling around her. "What if instead of moving into your mother's old den, we build a new one?" The white tom mewed, his voice alight with humour. The blue-gray molly beside him swished her tail, amused.

"Build it where? All the good spots in the colony are already taken." The white tom thought for a second before replying.

"On the far side of the camp, where most of Owl Spot's trusted cats live, and, were I live. It's usually empty and it has a wide open space in front of the dens where kits can play." The blue-gray molly huffed, flicking her ear.

"I suppose it's a good idea. But my mother wanted me to move into her den when she moved to the elder's den. For me to feel a connection with her." The white tom rolled his eyes.

"You have her pelt colour and pattern, you talk like her, and you even have similar names! I mean come on, she couldn't get any better than Swift River?" The blue-gray molly, Swift River, swatted the tom lightly over the ear.

"Hey! You said you loved my name! And besides, who names their kit Swan Shade? Swans are white and shade is darkness. Two contradicting things for a white cat, I might say." Swan Shade shoved Swift River affectionately. His mate giggled, settling back in place beside the tom. Swan Shade gazed out over the alluring stretch of land. Hills rose and fell in beautiful consistency, flowers sprouting up all over them. Swan Shade leaned forward, snatching up a flower that was just in front of him. He turned to Swift River, placing the flower behind her ear.

"For my lovely flower." he meowed, gazing at his mate. The molly giggled, rolling her eyes.

"I can't wait till we have kits." she mused, "They'll be so cute. I mean, with my good looks and your handsomeness, they'll be the most gorgeous cats in the entire region." Swan Shade purred, nodding. He let his mind wander to the future, thinking of the tiny white and blue-gray bundles of joy. He thought about playing with them and teaching the ones with his white pelt how to hunt in the warmer seasons. His heart swelled happily as he thought of the wonderful future before him. As his mind wandered, he was snapped out of it by the call of his name. He shook his head, turning around to see who was calling him. A few bounds behind him, a reddish-brown tabby was staring at him expectantly, two other cats waiting behind them. Swan Shade turned to Swift River, who was already nodding. "I know, you have to go. I'll see you back at camp?" Swan Shade rubbed his muzzle against the blue-gray molly's.

"Of course." he mewed, whirling around and racing towards the patrol. He slowed to a stop in front of the tabby. "Good morning Alder Creek," he nodded to his friend, "Badger Night, Dark Fern." He greeted his other friends. They nodded back in greeting.

"I see you were with Swift River again this morning." Alder Creek started, a teasing tone entering his voice, "Do I see kits in your future?" Swan Shade shoved his friend jokingly.

"Well, for your information, we're planning on it." Behind Alder Creek, Badger Night squealed. The black and silver tom waved his short tail gleefully. He bounced around Swan Shade, his eyes wide with excitement.

"Are you serious? I can't wait!" Swan Shade chuckled as his friend hopped around him. "I'm gonna get to be an uncle! I'm so excited!"

"Well, we're not expecting right now. Just maybe soon." Swan Shade stole a glance at his best friend, Dark Fern, who was being uncharacteristically quiet. "Dark Fern, you got any thoughts on this?" The dark grey pointed molly shrugged.

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