The Divine Zero Breakdown

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The Divine Zero
-No one can be completely pure. Divine means holy, or of God, and there are zero people like this. No one can be totally perfect, or what society wants them to be.

Maybe I could swim into your thoughts like your drugs do.
-Fairly self explanatory. Wanting to be loved over material things, like drugs, money, other things.

Paralyze your body
-Wants to be loved as much as the person who this song is about loves their drugs, wants to have the same effect.

Sick and tired of waking up to
Burning eyes and cigarettes
-Obvious. Wants to get over an addiction or something of the sort.

I'm falling through the couch on a suicide mission tonight
-Wants to commit suicide, ends up dying on the coach...? Takes to many drugs, ends up dying on the couch...?

My God, here comes the downside
-Don't shy away from all bad things, just be aware of said things.

Wild eyes of terror pray for sex on the beach while oceans of kerosene will soak into me
-wtf Vic I don't even know how to explain this like are you using kerosene as lube or what? Cuz like that's what it sounds like.... Jk! Young kids just want sex, someone is dying and no one cares...? Honestly don't know how to explain that one.

I'm not meant for this world, I don't see the point
-he wants to commit suicide. Everyone thinks, at least once, that the world wouldnf stop revolving if they died. He's trying to say that there's no point in living.

So I don't think about it, don't overthink about it
-He's suicidal, he doesn't think or overthink about killing himself.

And life is a joke
-Suicidal pretty sure. Why treat life seriously when you're just gonna die anyways?

But everything's riding on me tonight
-Something is important I guess

Been counting the stars and scars
How I'm becoming a work of art
-He started cutting again, at night when no one will see. He's becoming a work of art because of all of the new scars on his wrists I think. (I really hope that he's talking about a while ago, when he self harmed. Not now. I really want him to be okay.)

In desperate times and desperate measures
I come so close, my hopes are severed by the downside
-downside can refer to a decline in something. The decline in medication he took in desperate times and desperate measures break his hopes of killing himself, but he came so close.

A million waves in the ocean crash at once to make you smile
-it takes a lot to make someone smile

The whispered words, "You'd better hide the bullets."
-Doesn't want anyone to find the gun that he tries to kill himself with.

You stayed on the phone and talked to me day and night
-He called to say goodbye to someone special to him, they talked him out of suicide but it took a while.

Trigger my nightmare once again
-Life can be a nightmare, once he pulls the trigger it's gone, but a new nightmare will always take its place.

And it's fucking loaded in hand
-Still talking about the gun, a triggered nightmare is in his hand, loaded and ready to fire. He can potentially make his life a living nightmare with a decision that he makes.

And we'll let the fire rage
-Can't stop what you can't control

The smoke and the drowning flames
-even though you try to control the fire, there's still after affects, like smoke.

My bedroom computer light is the only menace to my new faux wooden blinds
-He could be in like a crazy people place where he's locked up behind his fake wooden blinds but idfk. He's been in his room a while and shut the blinds but the screen is super bright and yeah.

In desperate times and desperate measures
I come so close, my hopes are severed my the downside
A million waves in the ocean crash at once to make you smile
-Already defined this shit

Now, I only pray when it all goes down
-He only prays when something bad happens or when he needs something, like most people do.

I'll be surrounded by all of the ones I've loved and cared about
-I can only think that he'll be in heaven.

And then burn it down
-Then he'll be in hell oops

And life is a joke
-Defined this already

But at least I can love you, naked and tattooed.

Counting the stars and scars

And if the pain is a sound, let's slow it down
-Can't deal with that much pain, needs less of it.

Desperate times and desperate measures
I come so close, my hopes are severed by the downside
A million waves in the ocean crash at once to make you smile
Now, I only pray when it all goes down
I'll be surrounded by all the ones I've love and care about
And then burn it down
-Defined earlier

The serotonin's gone
-Serotonin is something that has to do with sleep, depression, memory, and other neurological concepts. So he obviously woke up after trying to kill himself???

The kerosene is gone

The sunset is gone
-He's dead

So hold on
-He realizes that he wants to live and tries to hold onto the last bits of his life?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2015 ⏰

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