,Sons of anarchy - abducted

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"Gemma was sitting in her office at teller morrow watching Tig,Opie and Jax work on some cars. If was 3 days since the boys got out of prison. While they where inside Gemma realalized that the new sheirff was obsessed with her, he would follow her around everywhere. She didn't want to tell Clay or anyone yet just because they already had lots on their mind. An hour later she went shopping for a birthday present for Abel. His birthday was coming up soon. After she picked out an trycicle for Abel she went home. On her way home the sheirff pulled up behind her in his suv the followed her home. Once she was home snuck in through the back door came up behind her ethen stuck a needle in her neck to knock her out. After she woke up she was tied up to a metal counter in this basement. Then she head footsteps, she realized who kidnapped her, it was that new sheriff who was obsessed with her. "Well hello" The guy said. "what do you want?howcome your doing this" gemma said scaredly. Then Roosevelt drugged her so se can go back to sleep. 3 hrs later. When Clay came home Gemma wasn't there but the door was wide open and her car was in front. He called Jax,Bobby,Tig, and the others to meet at his place now!

When they got there Clay told them that gemma might be missing. When Tig ws going to the bathroom he saw blood on the on the floor and a broken lamp in the hallway he gasp. After he saw that he went to tell the others. "Clay you might want to see this" Tig yelled. "Coming" clay said. Once clay got to the hallway he said "Gemma" then looked at Tig then back down at the broken lamp and the blood


When Gemma woke up again She noticed her hands had tubes attached to her hands, she looked in the mirror that's on the bench she had a black eye and a cut on her forehead. Then Eli Roosevelt came down the stairs with his uniform on he said "I'm going to work" then he tied down gemma so she could not move.


When Clay went to his room to get changed he went to his dresser and pulled out a pair of sweatpants. One he did a note pad fell out he read it it said

The new SHERIFF Rooevelt is stalking me and its making me feel uncomfortble.

Clay noticed that it was Gemmas writing their was a lot more then one sentence, after he read it all he ran to the kitchten and gave the letter to they boys to read. "Guys read this gemma wrote this"

After they read it Opie said "I think roosevelt took Gemma"


Clay and the guys went there they spotted the sheirff "were is she?"Jax said, "weres who? " roosevelt said "Gemma" Chibs said

No idea the sheirff said.,Instead of aruguing with him they went to his house


Gemma could not move her whole body was stiff from laying there on a cold metal table for mored than 5 hrs. Untill she heard someone opened the door "Help" Geema screamed. Clay heard her "Gemma" He said. Gemma kept on saying Help untill Juice found her in a dark creepy basement "She's down here" Juice yelled. Everyone came downstairs Clay tooked te tubes out of Gemmas hands then lifted her off of the table. everyone hugged her "I'm scared" Gema said softly, "no ones going to hurt you again" Clay said then he took gem to the hospital.


It was about midnight Clay is sleeping in a leather brown chair right beside Gemmas bed. She woke up from a nightmare "what's wrong baby" clay said "just a nightmare" Gemma saif


Clay pulled up at teller morrow with Gemma everyone ran outside. Tara ran to her "are you okay?" I'm fine Gemma said.After everyone talked to her abit. Tara took Gemma inside to make her some tea and let her hold Thomas.


Clay took Gemma home as soon they got home they went to the shower. When they got out Gemma got changed into her silk pajamas then climbed into bed


A month later

Gemma was still stressed about that day she went missing. Eversince that day Clay had people watching her so that doesn't happen again. Eli didn't got fired he is still a sheriff now. The sons have been on edge with That sheriff Roosevelt .

Gemma walked into the clubhouse looking for Tara to ask her for more medication, she was in the apartment

Tara' Gemma said knocking on the door

Hey, what's up? 'Tara said

I'm out, I need more medication' Gemma said looking at her feet

Umm yeah, I wil get some more ' Tara said hugging Gemma

Gemma turned around to leave untill

Wait, can I ask you something' Tara said

Sure hun' gemma said

Do you think that death threat I got in my car on that letter, do you think with you being abducted is connected. Like I think with the whole cartel and drug business that the clubs involed is getting this family in danger.'. Tar said

Yeah, but I can't stop the Gang of doing drugs. "' Gemma said

Mhmm" tara said snaping out of her thoughts

After Gemma left she wanted 'me time' just to her self. So she took a drive around and outside Charming. As she pulled up at a resturant she went in to get lunch. As she sat down at a table then she orderd waiting for her food to come. Untill she saw Eli Rossevelt, Gemma got flash backs of her tied up in a cold basement . She got up and walked out but got stopped by him.

What do you want,?' Gemma said

Just wanna say hi' Eli said with a smile

Well hi. I gotta go' Gemma said trying to get out.

You didn't eat your food' Eli said

Gemma ignored him and got past him. Once she got back to her car, Roosevelt stoped her from closing the door and hit her in the head with a metal bar to knock her out.

Roosevelt hated the Mc hated what the Sons of anarchy are doing so he wanted to keep charming safe by getting the Sons to stop killing people and stop dealing with drugs. So to make them stop. he decided to kill Gemma.

Gemma woke up tied up againg but was in a attic. She heard Someone coming and there he was with a gun


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2013 ⏰

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