Arc 1- chapter 2 Kirkwall

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Third person pov

Denerim docks

Adwen and Lance are with the group of templars lead by Cullen, they are currently waiting at the docks waiting for the ship's captain in order to depart for Kirkwall. Many of the templars though are impatient at the wait time.

Templar 1: Come on! Why is it taking so long for the bloody captain to get back from wherever she is?!

Templar 2: I hear she is at the pearl.

Templar 1: probably renting every whore there.

Cullen: (annoyed) Alright men! Enough complaining it will not help.

The templars begrudgingly stop complaining, but are still impatient. Adwen and Lance decide to converse with each other while they wait.

Adwen: What do you think it will be like in Kirkwall?

Lance: Not sure but probably filled with apostates.

Adwen: Yeah probably

Alistair: Adwen?!

Adwen turns and he sees his old friend Alistair who is now king and is accompanied by the hero of Ferelden and arl eamon

Adwen: Alistair! Oh wait sorry your majesty!

Alistair: No! No! None of that! We are old friends after all. So I hear you were promoted to knight-corporal, congratulations!

Adwen: Thank you! Also congratulations on becoming king by the way.

Alistair: Yeah thanks, also what are you doing at the docks?

Adwen: I am being transferred to Kirkwall.

Alistair: Oh! Well I hope you were going to continue to be stationed here, I could use more people I know personally.

Adwen: Don't worry Alistair you will do fine without me.

Alistair: Well it is still-

Before Alistair could finish his sentence the ship's captain Isabela arrives with her crew but is greeted by her angry passengers

Isabela: Alright, see that everyone is here all aboard the Siren's call!

Templar 1: About time! We have been waiting here for hours!

Isabela: You try being a sailor someday, anyway all aboard to Kirkwall!

Alistair: Well Adwen looks like you have to go, sorry to see you leave.

The hero of ferelden whispers into Alistair's ear

Alistair: Also Adwen I need a favor.

Adwen: (teasingly) What is it your majesty?

Alistair: That will never stop being annoying, can you be on the look out for a woman that is exotic looking with large eyes and black hair. Her name is Morgan by the way and she is also with child I think.

Adwen: Yeah of course Alistair

Alistair: Well, farewell Adwen I hope someday we will meet again.

Adwen: So do I

Adwen and Alistair shake hands, Adwen then boards the ship with Lance

Lance: You weren't kidding saying you knew king Alistair.

Adwen: Told you so.

(1 year later)

Kirkwall, Hightown

Adwen's POV

It has been 1 year since we have been transferred to Kirkwall, knight commander Meredith seems a bit strict on the mages and even on us, and our commanding officer Cullen seems to be okay with Meredith's methods. Me and Lance are currently walking around hightown.

Lance: Can we stop by the blooming rose?!

Adwen: Seriously some of our fellow templars have disappeared and you want to go to the brothel, which was likely the last place they were seen.

Lance: Awww! Come on I heard they have this one called "the wonder of the east".

Adwen: Probably more like the tramp from lowtown.

Thief: (groans in pain)

I notice a man who has been wallowing in pain, due to a wound in his shoulder. It looks like he has been there a while.

Adwen: Hey! what happened?!

Thief- I was stealing from one of two siblings, I managed to steal his coin purse then a dwarf shot me and knocked me out!

Adwen: (hands him a few sovereigns) Here are some sovereigns to patch yourself up and find a different job.

Thief: That's what the dwarf said.

Me and Lance then continue on walking around hightown and Lance continues to pester me about going to the blooming rose

Lance: Can we go to the blooming rose please?!!

Adwen: (groans) Fine! But if I get a bad feeling something is happening, I will come rushing into the room your in and I don't care if you are busy.

Me and Lance then go to the blooming rose and when we enter and we here a women scream

Idunna- Don't kill me

Me and Lance rush towards the noise and we enter the room where the noise came from, and we see a man with a beard and some other people interrogating a prostitute who we assume is the source of the scream

Adwen: What's going on here!

Hawke: This woman is a blood mage who is responsible for the disappearance of some of your fellow templars.

Adwen: Well then is guess we should take her away then. Also, may I ask your name?

Hawke: Hawke

Adwen: My name is Adwen Hawk, and here are a couple sovereigns for apprehending the blood mage.

I give Hawk the sovereigns and then me and Lance take the blood mage Idunna to the gallows

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