the trial.

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TW: mention of rape and abuse

the day of the trial came around quicker than aurora could even process. she was sat in an office, not knowing or caring who it was as her leg bounced and her chest grew tight she was thinking of every possible question she could be asked and exactly how she could answer them.

when a member of the ministry she recognised but had forgotten the name of entered the room she paniced even more.

"you ready?"


"youll be alright, kid"


"come on"


she stood up and followed the man into a dark room. avoiding eye contact with the multiple people inside of the room, she sat in a seat reserved for her. the introduction went by in a blur and she only really realised she was being spoken to when the man she had walked in with placed a hand on her shoulder, bringing her mind back to reality.

he lead her to another seat in the centre of the room and it was only then that she realised her father was staring straight at her, cuffed to the surface infront of his seat.

"miss aurora malfoy, do you give consent to the use of veritaserum during this trial?" the minister, barty crouch, asked her

"i do, yes"

"very well" he gestured to the man still stood next to her and he took a small vial out of his pocket.

aurora knew she wasnt allowed to pour it herself so it wasnt a shock when he tilted her head back and poured the liquid into her mouth, waited for her to swollow and then show him her empty mouth.

the minster opened a file and began the questioning.

"what is your full name and date of birth?"

"aurora lilith malfoy. the 5th of june, 1980"

"okay, tell us, are you speaking for or against your father, lucius malfoy."

"against." she looked down at her lap

"do you believe your father should be in azkaban?"

"i do"

even without looking at her father she could tell his eyes grew darker.

"why do you think he deserves that?"

"because he has- hes a bad person"

"what has he done to you and or someone you know"

"he has raped me on multiple occasions as well as beaten and tortured me and my brother until we're fighting and begging for our lives."

"not true!" lucius yelled across the room, his voice filled with anger.

aurora flinched but did not speak.

"mr malfoy, be quiet. this is not your time to speak" someone said, it wasnt a voice aurora recognised but she was thankful her father listened.

"when was the first time your father raped you?" the minsters voice sounded softer, not much but it was noticeable to the blonde girl.

"the dark lord had put the imperius curse and had forced him into it while death eaters held my mother and brother back, forcing them to watch"

"do you know the names of these death eaters"

"i do"

"could you tell us so we can lock them up in azkaban with your father?"

"i cant think right now"

"take your time"

"thank you"

"was your father under the influence of the imperius curse every time he forced himself onto you"

"only the first." her eyes were watering

"how old were you that first time"

"i wouldve been around 15 i think"

"are you or any more of your family death eaters?"

she hesitated "yes"

"you are?"

"no" she wasnt. just because she was branded didn't define her as a death eater.

"your family?"



"my aunt, bellatrix lestrange"

"is that all?"

"my mother is branded."

"anyone else, can you think of anyone else in your family that is a death eater"

"most of them are or were, theyre either dead, on the run or insane."

"is your brother, draco malfoy, a death eater"


playing truth or dare under the influence of veritaserum had made it easy to find loopholes in the potion. branded as a death eater alone does not make you a death eater. following the dark lord and believing you are one of them does.

after a few more questions about the abuse and her fathers use of dark magic, barty crouch spoke. "thank you for your time"

the man that had remained stood next to aurora throughout the whole trial, handed her the antidote of veritaserum and allowed her to leave the room.

40 chapters and 11k reads thank you all
my phone is on 1% and im going insane
this was hard to write because i didnt know how trials went

777 words

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