Your Presence

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"How long has it been since we last met?" I smiled at my friend. He gave no response. I pouted. "Still silent today? That's alright, I don't expect you to answer."
My eyes peered out into the wonderland of multicolored clouds in the distance. It was sunset so the city lights weren't on yet, which I didn't mind. I liked the look of it better right around dusk anyway. Turning back to me friend, I gave him a weak grin. "Wish I could go back to everyone." When he remained silent again I frowned. "I know, it's not healthy to be doing what I'm doing. But I can't seem to escape this musty world of pleasure."

I know he felt the same, regardless if he ceased to ever express it. My eyes slowly shut, mind drifting to other things. My family. I wonder how they felt about all this.
That was, of course, a lie. I knew exactly how they felt about the things I was getting myself into. But honestly, I really didn't care.
"Do you ever miss the old days?" No surprise, my friend stayed silent. My lungs felt heavy. It felt really nice though. "I guess those days are over anyhow. Not like I can go back. Shame." I exhaled.

"Let's just stay here forever." Gazing beyond the skies could even reach, I felt my senses numbing. My friend made me feel safe, despite his quietness. He put me at ease every moment I spent with him.

Never leave me, okay?

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