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"𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘱 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘱 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘱.."

Johnny awoke with a groan, his eyes getting used to the light now shining in through the nearly useless blinds in his apartment. Johnny reaches over to turn off the alarm clock before sitting up on the edge of his bed.

It was the 6th of October, 1976. It's been 11 years ever since the church caught fire. It had burned Johnny badly and broke his back, Johnny still had multiple problem with his back over it and a nasty scar.

Johnny looked over at the alarm clock. "6.50.." Johnny thought to himself and then groaned before standing up. Johnny was 27 now and was working at a comic book shop, he hated it. The teenagers running around reminded him of his home town. Brought back memories he didn't want to remember. Johnny never got a good education, he didn't have much options when it came to work. Johnny was lost in thought while he got dressed, he did it a lot without realizing.

After he got dressed he walked to the bathroom but his reflection caught his attention for some reason. Johnny's refection never really caught his attention. He stared at himself at least for 5 minutes. He looked nearly the same as he looked when he was 16, his big, black eyes still carrying that same look they did all his life, his hair was still long, still covering his eyebrows and some of his eyes, he still had the scar from when he got jumped by the Socs. The only thing different about him was that he looked more mature.

Johnny hated how he looked so he just got ready and walked out the bathroom. "7.10, I 'ought to be in work soon.." Johnny thought before grabbing his keys and walking out his apartment without breakfast. It was a habit he picked up for some reason. Johnny fumbled with his keys as he got to his car. Johnny got hold of the car key and opened the car before sitting in, he started the car and the radio turned on. A song that came on, it was 'Can't help falling in love' by Elvis Presley. Johnny liked the song as he hummed along to the song with a slight smile.

As Johnny arrived at the comic shop he just looked at it out the car window with a groan. "I hate this place so much.." Johnny says to himself as if he didn't already know that. He steps out the car and locks it before heading for the comic shop. He walks in through the door and there's a ding causing a blonde girl to shot up from the chair behind the cash register. "Johnny!" She exclaimed happily.

"Sandra, hi." Johnny gives a slight smile. Sandra gave a frown.

"you're always so sad looking Johnny." Sandra says before walking over to Johnny.

"I am?" Johnny looks at her slightly confused.

"Ye John, smile properly for once man." Sandra says cheerfully. "Never call me John again." Johnny says walking to the cash register.

"You're no fun." Sandra scowls

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